Table of contents:

Bronchitis: what to do if the cough persists
Bronchitis: what to do if the cough persists

Antibiotics should be taken on rare occasions.

Bronchitis: what to do if the cough persists
Bronchitis: what to do if the cough persists

What is bronchitis and how does it happen

Bronchitis Acute Bronchitis / U. S. National Library of Medicine is an inflammation of the bronchi, the tubes that carry air from the trachea to the lungs and back, which is accompanied by a cough.

There are two types of the disease. The first is acute bronchitis. It usually resolves within 10 days of the Bronchitis / Mayo Clinic, although the cough may persist for several weeks. Sometimes, without proper treatment, inflammation can lead to pneumonia.

The second type is chronic bronchitis Chronic Bronchitis / U. S. National Library of Medicine. This is a constant irritation and inflammation of the bronchi, which is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Where does bronchitis come from?

The main cause of acute bronchitis is a viral infection. It can be transmitted. Acute bronchitis: Is it contagious? / Mayo Clinic from an infected person to others during coughing, sneezing, talking or contact.

But sometimes bronchial inflammation is caused by other factors Acute Bronchitis / American Academy of Family Physicians:

  • bacteria or fungi;
  • external irritants - steam, dust, smoke, including from cigarettes;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease, when acid from the stomach causes heartburn and can pass through the larynx into the bronchi.

Chronic bronchitis occurs Chronic Bronchitis / U. S. National Library of Medicine is most often due to smoking, inhalation of dust and chemicals, and sometimes due to genetic pathology - a deficiency of the alpha-1-antitrypsin protein. It is needed to protect the lungs from the enzyme elastase, which is released during inflammation.

What are the symptoms of bronchitis

Both acute and chronic types are characterized by the following signs of Acute Bronchitis / American Academy of Family Physicians:

  • cough with clear or greenish sputum;
  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing;
  • chest tightness, heavy breathing;
  • sore throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills;
  • fatigue and weakness.

What to do if you have symptoms of bronchitis

It is worth going to a therapist, and at temperatures above 38 ° C, you can call him at home. The doctor will listen to the lungs, this is enough to make a diagnosis. Although in some cases, the specialist prescribes an additional examination Bronchitis / Mayo Clinic:

  • Chest X-ray. The picture is used to determine if pneumonia has developed.
  • Sputum analysis. Helps you understand if antibiotics are needed to kill a bacterial infection.
  • Pulmonary function tests, or spirometry. A person blows into a special apparatus that measures the volume of exhaled air and the rate of its elimination. This study is necessary for the differential diagnosis of emphysema and asthma.

How is bronchitis treated?

It all depends on the type of disease.

Acute bronchitis

Doctors advise Acute Bronchitis / American Academy of Family Physicians to rest and drink plenty of fluids, but without alcohol and caffeine. The air in the house must be humidified using a steam generator or other available method. You may also be prescribed medications:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers - to bring the temperature down.
  • Expectorants - if phlegm comes out with difficulty during coughing.
  • Inhalers for bronchial dilation.
  • Antibiotics They are sometimes prescribed if a bacterial infection develops.

But folk remedies do not help with bronchitis. Compresses, mustard plasters, hot foot baths and cans create the illusion of leaving, but they are powerless against viruses and bacteria.

Chronical bronchitis

Treatment usually includes drugs and Chronic Bronchitis / U. S. National Library of Medicine to change lifestyle. So, doctors advise to quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke, do physical exercises to train the respiratory muscles.

There is no cure for chronic bronchitis. Drugs can only help relieve symptoms. It can be:

  • Bronchodilators. These are inhalers that expand the lumen of the bronchi.
  • Steroid hormones. They also come in the form of an inhaler and help reduce inflammation.
  • Antibiotics Needed if a bacterial infection develops.

If a person with chronic bronchitis has a low level of oxygen in the blood, he will be prescribed oxygen therapy, or inhalation with an oxygen mixture. And in severe cases, a lung transplant is done.

How to prevent the development of bronchitis

To do this, experts from the reputable medical organization Mayo Clinic advise Bronchitis / Mayo Clinic:

  • Avoid cigarette smoke. It increases the risk of developing chronic bronchitis by damaging the airways.
  • Get a flu shot. It often causes acute bronchitis.
  • Wash your hands more often. This will help avoid getting a viral infection.
  • Wear a surgical mask. For people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it will help protect against dust or fumes at work, and in a crowd of people - from infection. This will reduce the number of exacerbations.
