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How to be successful: 17 tips from Stephen King
How to be successful: 17 tips from Stephen King
How to be successful: 17 tips from Stephen King
How to be successful: 17 tips from Stephen King

How to be successful? There are a lot of posts and books on this very sore subject. But people do not stop writing more and more, and every time they have something to add. Everyone does their bit based on their own experience. The same rule works differently for different people, everyone has their own point of view and the angle from which they look at the rule. Stephen King is one of the greatest writers who expresses his thoughts so clearly that the picture comes to life by itself and, reading his book, you seem to be watching a movie. I think its interpretation is really worth taking a look at.

In his book On Writing, Stephen King talks about his work, how you can become a professional in your field. And these tips don't just apply to book writing. Many of them are versatile.

Lesson 1. Do what you love

I would rephrase it as "love your job", because during a crisis, any job is already good. But in this phrase, the writer put something more than just a positive attitude towards his work:

This rule is found everywhere, but it is also the most difficult to follow. That is, until your work becomes a rest for you, you need to move on. If you are aware of this, of course. Let me remind you that most of us work 5-6, and sometimes 7 days a week, and if work turns into hard labor, then your life will not be easy, hard labor.

Lesson 2. Practice, practice, practice

In order to be successful, you need to practice a lot in what you do. I think that our standard "study, study, study", which was hammered into our heads, does not always come in handy. Theory is good, but practice is essential! And if you like the process of work itself, then a lot of practice will only give you more pleasure and bring more fruitful results.

Lesson 3. Be serious

Only if you are serious about work and results can you be successful. Some people who enjoy their job see it as a hobby. As a result, she remains a hobby without bringing serious results. But success is achieved only by those who take the issue of work seriously.

Lesson 4. Ignore skeptics

Skeptics have always been an integral part of life, that's a fact. There will always be someone who will blow your idea to smithereens. It is useless to prove to such people. So instead of spraying your precious energy on them, just ignore.

Lesson 5. Get support

Every person needs someone who will believe in the success of the business and will support. When there is someone nearby who believes in you more than you yourself, you will definitely succeed.

Lesson 6. Live by work

Do you want to become an ace in your work? Fill your life with what you do.

Lesson 7. Be consistent

A good rule of thumb that applies to any job. Set yourself a rule to do at least a certain amount every day.

Lesson 8. Study other people's work

By studying how your peers, and especially people who have been successful in your industry, are doing, you are learning from their positive experiences. This can also be attributed to "learn from the mistakes of others."

Lesson 9. Study the market

In addition to studying the work of colleagues in the shop, you also need to keep abreast of developments and innovations that occur in your field of work. Buy magazines, subscribe to RSS thematic publications. Keep your finger on the pulse.

Lesson 10. Look for new ideas

Your job is not about the search itself. Here it is rather important to recognize them in time, when they appear right in front of your nose. Keep your eyes wide open and your mind open to new things.

Lesson 11. Save the dynamics

To paraphrase a little, if you "caught the wave" - do not stop until you finish the work! It will be done in one go. It is important to remember that when you stop, you risk losing the topic and it will be difficult to enter that state again.

Lesson 12. Write your first draft as quickly as possible

Don't try to be perfect in your job right away. Just sketch at least a rough outline of your work and only then finalize it.

Lesson 13. Get rid of unnecessary details

And this point exactly follows after 12. That is, the rough version is ready, supplemented and turned into a finishing one. But here you should reconsider everything and get rid of unnecessary details that only overload the project (book, presentation, building).

Lesson 14. Become Your Own First Customer

When you are the author of any work performed, it is very difficult to look at it from a different angle, the angle of the buyer. But this is very important, because then you will be able to notice errors and fix them even before they reach the real customer. Self-criticism is pretty good, the main thing is to know the framework.

Lesson 15. Don't Work For Money

Money is bad motivation. They make you ignore the voice of your heart and you can live someone else's life instead of yours.

Lesson 16. Do your work with pleasure

If you enjoy doing your work, it will not only help you navigate the difficult path to success, but it will also fill life itself.

Lesson 17. Do this to enrich yourself and others

If you are living a life that enriches (spiritually, of course) the lives of the people around you, then you are living a great life.

And now a question for the readers! Did any of you adhere or even adhere to the rules published on, which ones and for how long?
