How to strengthen immunity with proper nutrition
How to strengthen immunity with proper nutrition

Moderate exercise generally has a positive effect on our well-being and strengthens the immune system, but the higher the load, the less our resistance to viruses. Add to that jogging on a cold (possibly rainy) autumn morning, and the chances of getting a runny nose are increased dramatically. What to do in order not to get sick if the preparation for the competition or the increase in the load fell on a cold autumn? Dress correctly and eat the right foods!

How to strengthen immunity with proper nutrition
How to strengthen immunity with proper nutrition

Protein food after exercise

Usually, runners and anyone actively involved in sports are advised to consume protein and carbohydrates during their workouts. In this case, proteins help muscle recovery, and carbohydrates go to replenish energy reserves. In our case, it is worth paying attention to protein foods, since protein is especially important for stimulating the production of white blood cells. The main task of these cells is to search for and destroy bacteria, as well as the production of antibodies to viruses.

It is also worth adding to the diet more foods high in glutamine: eggs, dairy products, soy, lentils, peas, beans.

Glutamine (2-aminopentanamide-5-ovic acid) is one of the 20 standard amino acids found in protein. Glutamine is polar, not charged, and is an amide of monoaminodicarboxylic glutamic acid, formed from it as a result of direct amination under the influence of glutamine synthetase.


Glutamine is very common in nature and is not an essential amino acid for humans, that is, it can be synthesized in sufficient quantities. It strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery from workouts, and prevents the development of overtraining.

More colored fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are literally packed with vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients necessary for the smooth functioning of our body. And each color has its own superpower! For example, vitamin A strengthens the immune system and stimulates the production of white blood cells, which we discussed above. This vitamin is found in orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and bell peppers.

How to Strengthen Immunity - Eat More Vegetables
How to Strengthen Immunity - Eat More Vegetables

Leafy vegetables such as raw spinach and kale, as well as beets, are high in glutamine.

You can add red to orange, as red fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C, folate and flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and have antioxidant properties. For example, cranberries are a source of tannins, which prevent bacteria from attaching to healthy cells.

Raw nuts and seeds

Autumn is the perfect time for fresh walnuts and pumpkin seeds! Nuts, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ and dark chocolate are a delicious way to get a ton of nutrients, among which zinc, another key element, is present in large quantities, which is responsible for the creation and activation of white blood cells. It relieves cold symptoms and speeds up recovery.

Kefir, Yogurt & Probiotic Supplements

Every time you take antibiotics, doctors prescribe probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora, since our resistance to viruses depends on its condition. Before using various probiotic supplements, it is advisable to consult with a dietitian or doctor, but you can choose yoghurts and kefir without additives on your own. Use these products as a supplement to or.

Harvard Health Publications also mentions that the gut is home to our main fighters against viruses and infections. And in order for them to be strong and able to withstand the enemy, they need to be well fed.

It has been scientifically proven that the lack of such substances as folic acid, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, vitamins A, B6, C and E, changes the immune response of animals for the worse. Roughly the same can be said about a person.

Herbal Supplements

How to strengthen the immune system. Cold remedies
How to strengthen the immune system. Cold remedies

Our grandmothers hot milk with honey, as well as tincture of echinacea, mumiyo, grated radish with sugar, garlic and drops of aloe leaf plucked from the windowsill. But does it really work the way they thought it would?


There are currently no scientific studies showing that aloe vera can stimulate the immune response. It can only be argued that aloe really helps with minor wounds, burns, frostbite and minor skin inflammations. Whether it will help with a runny nose, or, conversely, the nose will swell and you will not be able to breathe, it is not known, the probability is 50/50.


There are a huge number of different articles that say that echinacea is an excellent stimulant of the immune system and is able to prevent or at least alleviate the course of colds. Most experts do not recommend taking any form of echinacea for long periods of time.

A group of doctors from Harvard Medical School notes that all studies regarding echinacea and the common cold have not yet been properly documented and the anti-cold properties of the plant have not been fully proven. Echinacea can cause very unpleasant side effects. For example, people who are allergic to ragweed may experience anaphylactic shock. The benefits of echinacea for children have not been proven. And in a 2005 study in which 437 volunteers took part, it was found that echinacea does not affect the rate, progress and severity of colds.


Yes, garlic is indeed capable of fighting infection, but it is not strong enough to force the whole apartment with it and feed family members. In this case, it is better to know when to stop and just use it a little more often as a dietary supplement in the cold season.

By the way, the positive effect of ginseng and licorice root is also still controversial, therefore, without a doctor's prescription, these plants are not recommended for use for prevention or treatment.

Calm and good rest

All your good nutrition will go down the drain if you sleep little, work hard, and get stressed. Try to be less nervous, remember that this is a waste of your nerve cells, since there is nothing incorrigible in our life except death. Healthy sleep is a time for recovery and minor repairs of the body. Do not forget that in a dream you are not only resting, but also producing vital hormones, and you are also losing weight!
