Table of contents:

Squat program for those who want beautiful thighs and a tight butt
Squat program for those who want beautiful thighs and a tight butt

Eight weeks of home workouts without equipment are waiting for you.

Squat program for those who want beautiful thighs and a firm butt
Squat program for those who want beautiful thighs and a firm butt

How squats change your body

Squats are a functional movement that we all do in everyday life. Any strength training program includes them, as they have many benefits.

Strengthens the hips and buttocks

Squats perfectly load Kinematic and Electromyographic Activity Changes during Back Squat with Submaximal and Maximal Loading all quadriceps heads - muscles on the front of the thigh, buttocks, back of the thigh, calves. If you want to pump all the bottom in one stroke, there is nothing like squats.

Supports back health

By strengthening the extensors of your back and glutes with squats, you will provide 7 Benefits of Doing Squats and Variations to Try your spine with good support and protect your back from pain.

Helps burn more calories

Squats don't burn hip fat, that's a myth. But since this exercise involves several large muscle groups, the body expends a lot of energy to do it. As a result, you burn extra calories 7 Benefits of Doing Squats and Variations to Try, which helps to shed those extra pounds faster.

Develop flexibility

Full range squatting - as deep as you can, you develop 7 Benefits of Doing Squats and Variations to Try ankle and hip mobility. As a result, it will be easier for you to move in everyday life, sit on a low bench or on the floor and get off it.

Help reduce the risk of injury

Squats strengthen your leg and core muscles, teach you to position your joints and spine as safely as possible, and maintain balance. All this helps to reduce the risk of injury and pain in everyday life.

What are the features of this squat program

In eight weeks of training, you will learn the correct movement technique, gradually increase the number of squats, develop flexibility, coordination and strength.

Here are a few features that make the program versatile and effective:

  • No equipment … You will work with your body weight, without dumbbells and resistance bands. The only thing is that for some types of squats, you will need a stable support, such as a chair or pedestal.
  • Any skill level … Before starting the program, you will take a short test and receive recommendations on the level of load - which stage to start from in order to cope with all the movements and pump your legs well.
  • Variety of exercises … The program includes several types of squats and a gradual progression from easy to difficult. Firstly, this will ensure the harmonious development of all muscle groups, and secondly, you will not get bored.
  • Circular format … You will be doing different types of squats in a row with little rest. This will shorten your workout time, ensure a good workout, and help you burn more calories.

At the end of the program, you can move on to squats for further progress.

Who Shouldn't Do the Squat Program

If you have had injuries and diseases of the joints of the legs and spine, or there is a lot of excess weight, it is better to start training with an experienced trainer. The specialist will select a load that you can handle for sure and will make sure that all movements are performed technically correctly and safely.

If you do not have the opportunity to work with a trainer and still want to try this program, before starting training, consult with your doctor and carefully monitor your condition. Stop immediately if you experience pain.

How to squat correctly

To get the full benefit of the exercise, it is important to do it with the correct technique. Below we will show you how to do classic or air squats, and show you a few other types that will be included in the program.

Air squats

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, turn the toes of the feet slightly to the sides. Place your hands on your belt or join in front of you.

Pull your pelvis back a little, bend your knees and sit down as deep as you can.

Make sure that the back remains straight and does not round out at the lower back, even at the bottom of the exercise. Also check that your heels are flat on the floor and don't come off. If you cannot keep your back straight and your heels pressed, lower yourself down until you can follow the technique.

When exiting the squat, make sure that your knees do not curl inward. To avoid this mistake, spread them out a little when you get up.

Sumo squats

This type of squat allows you to put more stress on the adductor muscles located on the inner thigh.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn the toes of your feet to the sides. Squat full range, keeping your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Roll your knees out to the sides.

Pulse Sumo Squats

In this variation, at the exit from the squat, you do one small pulsation - slightly rise and fall back and only after that you straighten up.

Due to the fact that you spend more time in the squat, the muscles of the legs are loaded more.

Jump squats

This movement provides more stress on the muscles of the thighs due to the explosive ending.

Go down, as in a regular squat, and up not just go up, but jump out.

Follow the technique - the back should remain straight, the feet should be pressed to the floor exactly until you jump.

Split squats on one leg

This squat variation is much better Comparison of lower extremity EMG between the 2 ‑ leg squat and modified single ‑ leg squat in female athletes, Hip ‑ Muscle Activation During the Lunge, Single ‑ Leg Squat, and Step ‑ Up ‑ and ‑ Over Exercises, Muscle Activity in Single- vs. Double-Leg Squats pumps the back of the thigh and glutes than a two-legged movement.

Stand one step away from a stable support with your back to it, put one foot on it. Put your hands on your belt.

Bend your supporting leg and do a squat, keeping your back straight. Make sure that the bones of the pelvis and shoulders create an even rectangle, without distortions on one side.

Squats - "pistols" on the chair

This exercise builds balance and mobility, puts serious stress on your thigh muscles and prepares you for challenging pistol variations.

Stand next to a chair with your back to it. Raise one leg low and do a squat on a chair. It is important to perform this movement smoothly and under control, and not to flop in a big way.

Keeping your leg raised, rise from the chair. Make sure that your back remains straight, and the knee does not curl inward.

Squats - "pistols" from the chair

Stand on the edge of a stable support with one leg suspended. Straighten your raised leg, bend the supporting knee and lower yourself into a full range squat - as low as you can.

Rise up, slightly turning the knee of the supporting leg to the side.

Pistol squats with support

This movement is as close as possible to the classic "pistol".

Stand next to a counter or door. Do the exercise at its full range, holding on to the support. Make sure that the heel of the supporting leg does not come off the floor, and that the raised one does not touch it.

Wall Squat

Squat Program: Static Wall Squat
Squat Program: Static Wall Squat

This is an isometric exercise that allows you to get a good hammer in your thighs.

Press your back against the wall and lower yourself into a squat until your hips are parallel to the floor. Make sure your hip and knee joints are bent at right angles.

How to start a squat program

Before starting the program, you need to determine your level of training. To do this, take a simple test: do as many squats without stopping as you can.

Based on the quantity, choose which week to start with:

  • Less than 10 squats - it's too early for you to start the program. Increase your level of physical activity: walk more, climb stairs, and do five sets of squats to the maximum with 90 seconds rest each day.
  • 10-15 squats - start from the first week of the program.
  • 15-25 squats - go to the third week of the program.
  • more than 25 squats - start from the fifth week of the program.

How to do the squat program

Exercise four times a week with a rest day between workouts. To make it more convenient, you can download, print and use it.

First week

Do the exercises one after the other, resting 60 seconds in between. At the end of the circle, rest for 120 seconds and repeat again.

  • Air squats - 10 times.
  • Sumo squats - 10 times.
  • Split squats - 6 times per leg.
  • Static wall squat - point-blank as much as you can.

Second week

The execution rules are the same as in the first week. Rest 60 seconds between exercises, 120 seconds between circles. Make two circles.

  • Air squats - 15 times.
  • Sumo squats - 12 times.
  • Split squats - 8 times per leg.
  • Static wall squat - point-blank as much as you can.

Third week

The rules are the same, but instead of two circles, do three.

  • Air squats - 15 times.
  • Sumo squats - 15 times.
  • Split squats - 8 times per leg.
  • "Pistols" on the chair - 6 times per leg.

At the end of your workout, rest for 120 seconds and do one set of jump squats. Do as many times as you can. In each lesson, try to do a little more, even if your hips are burning (and they will).

Fourth week

The execution rules are the same as in the third week. Three circles, rest between exercises 60 seconds, between circles - 120 seconds.

  • Air squats - 18 times.
  • Sumo squats - 18 times.
  • Split squats - 12 times per leg.
  • "Pistols" on the chair - 8 times per leg.

At the end, rest for 120 seconds and do point-blank squats.

Fifth week

Perform three circles, rest 60 seconds between exercises, 90 seconds between circles.

  • Air squats - 20 times.
  • Sumo squats - 20 times.
  • Split squats - 15 times per leg.
  • "Pistols" in full range from the chair - 6 times per leg.

Sixth week

Work in the same way as in the fifth week.

  • Air squats - 25 times.
  • Sumo squats - 25 times.
  • Split squats - 18 per leg.
  • "Pistols" in full range from the chair - 8 times per leg.

Seventh week

Perform three circles, rest 45 seconds between exercises, 90 seconds between circles.

  • Jump squats - 15 times.
  • Sumo squats with pulsation - 15 times.
  • Split squats - 20 times per leg.
  • "Pistols" from the chair - 10 times per leg.

Eighth week

Perform three circles, rest between exercises for 45 seconds, between circles for 60 seconds.

  • Jump squats - 20 times.
  • Sumo squats with pulsations - 20 times.
  • Split squats - 20 times per leg.
  • "Pistols" with support - 10 times per leg.

What difficulties may arise

You are not keeping up with the program

If you move to next week and cannot complete the prescribed number of repetitions, go back to the previous week and do it again.

You are failing some exercise

Full range pistols and split squats require good joint mobility and a sense of balance. If you do a great job with the program, but difficult exercises are not given to you, move on to next week, continuing to do the difficult movement from the previous one.

Also, supplement the program with stretching exercises that will help increase joint mobility and relieve restrictions.

Your knees hurt

Full range squats do not harm the Optimizing Squat Technique joints. But if you are very overweight, improper technique, or have had leg problems, knees or hips may hurt during or after training.

In this case, stop exercising and rest your body. If the pain persists for several days, see a surgeon or orthopedic surgeon.

What to do after the end of the program

If you do not want to lose your progress, you need to continue training. There are two options.

Go to the gym and work out with a barbell and on simulators

You have mastered the correct technique, developed enough strength, mobility and coordination to handle free weights and avoid injury.

Learn the best weighted leg exercises and incorporate them into your program, gradually increasing the load.

Continue the program at home, but add weight

You can buy dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells, or a workout vest and start over.

When choosing a load, be guided by your feelings. If at the end of the set the leg muscles become clogged, but at the same time you can perform the movement with the correct technique, the weight is chosen correctly.
