Table of contents:

How to Snatch Kettlebells to Lose Weight, Build Endurance, and Strengthen Muscles
How to Snatch Kettlebells to Lose Weight, Build Endurance, and Strengthen Muscles

We analyze the technique and the main mistakes together with the master of kettlebell lifting.

How to Snatch Kettlebells to Lose Weight, Build Endurance, and Strengthen Muscles
How to Snatch Kettlebells to Lose Weight, Build Endurance, and Strengthen Muscles

What is kettlebell snatch

A kettlebell snatch is an exercise during which the athlete first performs a swing with a projectile, and then raises it over his head in an outstretched arm and fixes it with a fully extended trunk and legs. The movement is performed cyclically - it is constantly repeated for, for example, 30 seconds.

Kettlebell snatch is one of the competitive exercises of kettlebell lifting. For men, it is part of the biathlon (along with the jerk of two kettlebells), and for women it is a separate discipline. Athletes of both genders perform a kettlebell snatch for 10 minutes, but men do it with a 32 kg kettlebell, and women take a 24 kg projectile.

The result is judged by the total reps for both arms, divided by two.

What are the benefits of a kettlebell snatch

The kettlebell snatch is considered to be more difficult technically than the swing or jerk. However, you should try it, even if you are not going to compete in kettlebell lifting.

Loads many muscle groups

The snatch is a multi-joint exercise. It loads almost all major muscle groups, from the back to the toes.


Denis Mikhailov Master of Sports of Russia in kettlebell lifting

The greatest work is performed during the snatch by the flexor muscles of the fingers, the extensors of the spine, the trapezius, gluteal muscles, and also the muscles of the thighs. Supporting work is performed by the biceps and triceps of the shoulder, the muscles-stabilizers of the trunk (dentate, oblique and rectus abdominis muscle), the muscles of the legs.

According to a small study, snatching a 16-kg kettlebell activates the latissimus dorsi by 72.4%, and the back extensors surrounding the spine by 61โ€“68%.

While this exercise will not help you build up a mountain of muscles, it will help you to strengthen almost your entire body.

Promotes weight loss without shock

In a small study of middle-aged men and women, they measured how many calories a kettlebell snatch burns. The participants in the experiment performed the exercise for 20 minutes, alternating 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest.

The expenditure of calories for a person weighing 86 kg was about 13.6 kcal / minute (272 kcal for the entire session).

At the same time, scientists noted that the energy consumption for exercise can be even more due to anaerobic metabolism. But even the values obtained are similar to the number of kilocalories that a person would spend when running at a speed of about 14.5 km / h (this is quite fast, especially for beginners).

At the same time, unlike running, a kettlebell snatch does not provide an impact load on the knee joints and does not require a lot of free space.

Develops general and strength endurance

Coach Rob Shaul, founder of Mountain Tactical Institute training resource for military, rescuers and athletes, conducted his own mini-study MINI STUDY RESULTS: HIGH REP KETTLEBELL SNATCHES MAINTAIN GENERAL STRENGTH, INCREASE WORK CAPACITY, dedicated to the kettlebell snatch. For about a month, 12 men did this exercise alone, did 4 times a week, and gradually increased the number of repetitions.

By the end of the experiment, not only indicators in snatch (by 17, 8%), but also results in shuttle running with an emphasis lying down (by 10, 2%) increased significantly. Shaul concluded that exercise improves overall fitness.

And this is not surprising. In the study mentioned above, where men and women consumed 272 calories in a 20-minute kettlebell interval, the researchers also measured the participants' heart rates.

Throughout the workout, the heart rate averaged 164 beats per minute. In other words, people trained in the anaerobic heart rate zone, which develops endurance.

In addition, since you are working with weights, the kettlebell snatch develops not only overall but also strength endurance.


Denis Mikhailov

Taking into account the relatively small weight of the projectile and the peculiarities of the technique - the multi-repetitive smooth rise of the projectile along a circular trajectory using the pendulum effect - the jerk of the kettlebell perfectly develops strength endurance, that is, the ability to perform work with weights for a long time.

If you want to lift more weight, the kettlebell snatch will not help, because to develop maximum strength, you need to work with heavy weights for a small number of repetitions.

But strength exercises for multiple repetitions, running at medium distances and other work that requires strength endurance will be much easier for you.

Who shouldn't do kettlebell snatch

In the study we talked about above, scientists measured the compression load on the spine during a kettlebell jerk. It turned out that at the start this figure is 2,992 N, and at the end point - 1589 N.

For comparison: in the snatch with the Olympic bar (27 kg), a compression of 7,000 N is created. Even if we take into account the difference in the weight of the shells, the load in the snatch of the barbell is much higher. But it is also within the normal range.

However, in addition to compression, the scientists also measured the shear force acting on the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae.

Despite the fact that in the snatch of the kettlebell, these indicators were slightly lower than in the swings, the scientists suggested that the combination of compression and shearing may have a bad effect on the condition of the back, even for those who are used to working with heavy weights in other exercises.

Thus, it is not worth doing the kettlebell snatch if you have problems with the lumbar spine. At the very least, check with your doctor first.

How to prepare your body for the exercise

The kettlebell snatch is a technically difficult movement. And in order to perform it at least with a weight of 16 kg, you need to learn the technique with lighter shells. And also prepare the main muscle groups working in this movement.

Denis Mikhailov says that in order to prepare for a kettlebell snatch, as well as the transition to a higher weight, several approach movements can be used in this exercise.

Swing the kettlebell with one hand

Kettlebell swings help to correctly build the phase of acceleration of the projectile from the swing and strengthen the muscles of the back.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn the toes slightly to the sides. Place the kettlebell in front of the feet, at a short distance from them. Bend your knees and bend over to the kettlebell with your back straight. Take the middle of the shackle and make a finger lock - press your index finger with your thumb.

Bring the kettlebell back and forth between your legs, while straightening your knees, but keeping your torso tilted. Then, with a slight squat, bring the kettlebell forward, bending the body in parallel.

Thus, you push the projectile forward due to the movement of the legs and back. You will do the same during the snatch.

When the kettlebell reaches shoulder level, let it fall along the same path. While the projectile is moving down, bend your knees and repeat the movement.

Perform kettlebell swings with long sets all the way - as much as you can with the correct technique. Perform 3-4 of these sets with 3-5 minutes rest between them.

Overhead Squat

This exercise will strengthen the stabilizer muscles, which help to hold the kettlebell in the arm extended over the head, and will ensure a confident fixation of the projectile at the top of the snatch.

To get started, take the lightest weight, for example, 6 kg. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, point your toes slightly to the sides. Raise the kettlebell over your head in an outstretched arm so that the bow rests on the hand at the base of the thumb, and the body of the projectile is pressed against the outside of the forearm.

Straighten your working arm fully, and extend the other to the side for balance. Bring your pelvis back and squat down as deep as you can, keeping your back straight and your heels flat on the floor. You can linger at the bottom to catch your balance and lower yourself a little lower under control.

Straighten up and repeat. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 times with each hand.

Wrist barbell traction

Denis Mikhailov says: this exercise strengthens the muscles of the forearms, which is useful for holding the kettlebell in the hand.

Hold the bar behind your back in straightened arms with your palms facing back. Unclench the hand so that the projectile slides onto your fingers, and then squeeze the bar firmly again, returning to its original position.

Perform 3-5 sets of wrist traction to muscle failure. Rest between sets until full recovery for at least three minutes.


This movement strengthens the extensors of the back and glutes, which help you push the kettlebell during the snatch.

You can do the exercise on a special hyperextension machine, or GHD (pictured below). Insert your legs between the pillows, put your hands behind your head, and do your torso extension.

Do hyperextension before starting the kettlebell snatch
Do hyperextension before starting the kettlebell snatch

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps. You can do the exercise at the beginning of each strength training session.

How to properly jerk a kettlebell

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly turn your toes to the sides. Place the kettlebell at a distance of about 20-30 cm from the socks. Bend your knees, bend forward with your back straight, transfer your body weight to the front of your feet and grab the kettlebell by the bow.

Do not grab onto it, gripping the brush with all your might. Instead, make a kind of hook out of your fingers, hook on the kettlebell and pinch your index finger with your thumb, making a "lock".

Relax your free hand and keep it away from the body.

Lift the kettlebell off the floor and wrap it between your legs, while straightening your knees. Leave the body in this position with a tight back and a hard abs. Take your free hand back.

Kettlebell snatch
Kettlebell snatch

From this position, begin to bring the kettlebell forward, do a small dip and powerfully straighten your legs, giving the projectile acceleration.

When the kettlebell is in front of the body, bring your shoulder up, ending the detonation.

When the kettlebell is over your head, slide your brush into the handle of the projectile. The inner corner of the bow should be at the base of the thumb, and the weight itself should lie on the forearm from the outside.

Make sure that there is no break in the hand, and that the weight hangs precisely at the base of the thumb, like on a hook.

Once you have inserted your hand into the bow, fully straighten your arm, body and legs and fix this position. Relax your triceps and hips if possible to give them some rest.

Then run the kettlebell around your forearm, bend your arm at the elbow and push it forward. When the projectile passes the level of the head, grab the bow with a straight grip and accompany it down, while slightly bending your knees.

Place the kettlebell again between your legs, bending over and unbending your knees, and repeat the movement from the beginning.

What mistakes should be avoided

Lifting a kettlebell by hand without working the body and legs

First of all, the upward movement of the kettlebell provides extension of the legs in the knee and hip joints, and the shoulder muscles are activated at the very last moment - when the projectile is already in front of the body. All this happens sequentially, without pauses and stops: extension of the legs, trunk and shoulder blasting.

The most common mistake is an attempt to lift a kettlebell with the force of a hand with a secondary working torso. The only muscle group in the arm that needs to be tense in the snatch is the flexors of the fingers. The rest of the work is taken over by the extensors of the back, traps, buttocks and hips, which distribute the load among themselves. Naturally, fatigue in this case will come much later than when only one hand strength is included in the work.

Take the time to practice your blasting technique, or better yet, take at least a couple of lessons with a trainer.

Power holding kettlebell

To work with a kettlebell for a long time, it is important to learn how to hold the bow correctly - to squeeze it only in those moments when it is necessary, and the rest of the time to relax the hand.

The flexors of the fingers are a small group of muscles that, with constant tension, will fail first. In the lowered hand, the weight hangs on the fingers interlocked in a lock, and at the top its handle lies on the base of the palm when the hand is unclenched. That is, the more time there is to relax the hand, the longer it will last.

Lifting a kettlebell on an incorrect trajectory

Unlike kettlebell swing, when it rises to the level of the collarbones on an outstretched arm, in a snatch you bend your elbow so that the projectile rises up close to the body.


Denis Mikhailov

If you lift the kettlebell on a straight arm along a trajectory far from your torso, it will be impressed into your forearm from a turn, leaving a decent bruise. If, while lifting the projectile, you carry it closer to the body, as if diving under it with your hand, the weight on the forearm will lie softly and will not cause injury.

Fracture of the hand during the kettlebell reception

It is important that at the top point the weight hangs on the base of the thumb with the angle of the bow. Firstly, it gives rest to your fingers, and secondly, it does not allow the projectile to overload and injure the hand.

When working with small weights, check each time where the bow of the kettlebell is located, whether it is correctly positioned at the top point.

How to choose a weight for a kettlebell snatch

The kettlebell snatch is one of the least traumatic exercises, which only threatens with calluses on the palms and fingers. But this is only true if it is done correctly.

Therefore, until you have mastered the technique of movement, do it with lighter kettlebells. For example, take a 6 or 8 kg projectile and work out all the technical points.

Better yet, learn the technique of the exercise with a trainer who will explain and show all aspects of the snatch, prevent you from getting used to the wrong technique, and tell you when to move on to serious weights.

If you are sure that there are no problems with technique, and exercise with light weights does not cause difficulties, try interval training with 12-16 kg kettlebells.

This weight is still not enough to seriously injure you even with flaws in the technique. But at the same time, it will allow you to identify shortcomings and weaknesses.

How to add kettlebell snatch to your workouts

Since this movement does not put much stress on the nervous system, you can perform the kettlebell snatch at least daily.

However, for beginners, it is still better to arrange a day of rest between classes to allow the body to get used to the load. Denis Mikhailov advises them to perform kettlebell snatch in short intervals at short intervals. For example, work for one minute, then rest for 60 seconds and repeat the same thing again.

Work in this way for 15-20 minutes, and devote the rest of the time to the training exercises shown above and general physical fitness.

The latter can include various movements for pumping target muscle groups: pull-ups, barbell and kettlebell deadlift, overhead barbell press, various movements on the core muscles.

If you do not have the goal of pumping exactly the kettlebell snatch, after mastering the technique, you can use it as a substitute for cardio training to develop general and strength endurance. Work as above or work with other movements.

Here are some examples of crossfit workouts with a kettlebell snatch:


Perform each exercise 21 times, then 15 times, and then 9 times:

  • Kettlebell snatch (select the weight based on your capabilities);
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

12 minutes of work

Exercise in a row without rest. Try to close as many rounds as you can in 12 minutes.

  • 6 burpees.
  • 8 kettlebell jerks (12 kg for men / 8 kg for women).
  • 10 lunges.
