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Should you quit caffeine and how to do it
Should you quit caffeine and how to do it

If you have problems with mood or sleep quality, try cutting out caffeine. This decision will bring several positive changes at once.

Should you quit caffeine and how to do it
Should you quit caffeine and how to do it


We start using caffeine since childhood: it is found in tea, cola and other drinks. Gradually, the amount of caffeine we need increases, addiction develops. In the morning we no longer feel vigorous without a cup of coffee. Of course, caffeine does not affect all people in the same way. But for most, regular use is addictive.

Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain, which makes us feel more alert. But gradually new adenosine receptors are formed, and caffeine no longer has an invigorating effect. We have to increase the amount in order to experience the stimulating effect again.


  • The energy level remains the same throughout the day, from the very moment of awakening. With regular caffeine consumption, energy levels tend to drop throughout the day, which makes us want to cheer up with a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Sleep quality improves. It will be easier for you to fall asleep, you will wake up less often at night. Caffeine, especially when consumed in the afternoon, can keep you from falling asleep.
  • The mood becomes more even. If before without a cup of coffee you felt nervous and irritable, now you will no longer have this problem.
  • It becomes easier to exercise in the morning. You will no longer need to recharge your coffee, because you already woke up vigorous and rested.


  • You will not be able to compensate for the lack of sleep. But you will become more attentive to your sleep patterns. After all, in order to feel vigorous during the day, you will need to go to bed earlier.
  • In many situations, drinking just water is not accepted, and at first you will feel uncomfortable. But over time, you will get used to it, just like your friends.
  • There are especially stressful days when it’s hard to hold out without additional stimulus. It seems like one cup of coffee would help you get things done faster. But in general, it is not worth it, because after a temporary rise, the energy level will drop again, and you will feel even worse.

How to opt out

Reduce your caffeine intake day after day. This will make the process easier, and you will avoid withdrawal symptoms, which are accompanied by headaches and lethargy.

Different brands of coffee have completely different amounts of caffeine, so it is more difficult to regulate the process by drinking coffee. It's easier if you play sports and drink sports energy drinks with caffeine, especially in powder form. Then gradually measure out less and less powder until you are completely free of caffeine.
