Table of contents:

5 things that will happen to you after you quit sugar
5 things that will happen to you after you quit sugar

All this was felt through personal experience. Try it yourself.

5 things that happen to you after you quit sugar
5 things that happen to you after you quit sugar

First of all, you need to make some clarity about what I mean by "eliminating sugar from the diet." Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon all sweets: sugar is included in so many foods that it would be necessary to come up with a special diet, which, I suspect, would not be very healthy.

But it is quite possible to try to follow the recommendations of the WHO, which call for limiting sugar intake in such a way as to get from it no more than 5% of the total number of calories per day. To do this, it is enough to stop consuming sugar with drinks, give up soda and limit the number of confectionery products. And this is what happens to you when you do it.

1. You will become healthier and more energetic

Many people know that sugar is a source of glucose, which the body needs to replenish energy. With low blood sugar, a person feels tired, becomes lethargic, and may even pass out. But no less dangerous is the high level of sugar in the blood of a person, which is observed in almost all those with a sweet tooth. This can cause serious metabolic disorders.

2. Your weight will stabilize

Immediately after you limit your intake of sweets, you will begin to lose weight. And it's not just that sugar is a source of calories in and of itself. It's just that it is most often included in high-calorie dishes: baked goods, confectionery, fast food, dairy desserts, and so on. By limiting their consumption, you will easily and naturally get rid of those extra pounds.

3. Your intestines will work normally

While your brain gets pleasure from another sweet cake, the gastrointestinal tract has to take the rap for everything. After all, sugar is broken down in the intestines, and its excess disrupts the work of enzymes in the stomach, intestines and pancreas. When you give up sweets and replace them with foods that have a high fiber content, you will be surprised to find that your intestines are literally working like a Swiss clock.

4. You will stop constantly wanting to eat "something sweet"

The mechanism of functioning of sugar addiction is no different from drug addiction. You eat candy - your brain gets pleasure - you reach for the next one. And so on until there is something sweet in your reach. The good news is that you can still break this circle. As soon as you change your diet, then pay attention that you want less and less sweets, and very soon you will be surprised to look at all these strange people around, who are devouring mountains of sweets.

5. You will know the real taste of the food

Do you carefully choose an exquisite variety of tea, and then add a few tablespoons of sugar to the cup? Do you consider yourself a connoisseur of coffee, but you cannot drink it without sweets? If you answer these and similar questions in the affirmative, then I hasten to inform you that, unfortunately, you do not know the real taste of these wonderful drinks. Like many other products, which for some reason are usually seasoned with a fair amount of sugar. Yes, the first time may be unusual, but only two weeks will pass, no more, and you will remember your past "sweet" life as a terrible dream.
