Table of contents:

An easy way to understand where you are really spending your time
An easy way to understand where you are really spending your time

Observe yourself for just a week and get valuable data.

An easy way to understand where you are really spending your time
An easy way to understand where you are really spending your time

It seems to us that we know perfectly well what our time is spent on. Any adult has an idea of how many hours it takes for work, household chores, meeting friends, rest or sleep.

However, subjective feelings are one thing, and facts are quite another. We perceive time a little distorted. Sometimes it flies, sometimes it barely moves. Therefore, many of our judgments about how much we spend on different tasks are wrong. To get accurate data, you have to keep records.

How to record the time

Basically, this is a very simple activity. Every half hour, write down what you spent the previous 30 minutes on. After a week, you have enough data to analyze.

How to record where time is going
How to record where time is going

Think about what you like or dislike about your schedule. You will probably immediately find many disadvantages in it. Do not forget to pay attention to the pros, otherwise the motivation to change something will disappear.

Check the activities that you would like to spend less and more time on. Check how many hours you spend watching social networks, TV shows and television, work, meeting with loved ones and rest. Pay special attention to activities that you are unconsciously spending time in, such as when procrastinating.

Why do it

  • You will see how much time it actually takes you to work. People tend to exaggerate the number of hours they work, and a journal will help to capture them accurately.
  • You will find out the truth about where your time is going. This will be especially useful for those who constantly feel busy. More often than not, being busy is simply not knowing how to manage your free time.
  • You will understand what your priorities are. It's one thing to convince yourself that meeting with friends is important to you, for example. Another is to actually try to devote time to them.
  • You can improve your quality of life. Once you know where your time is going, you will begin to change your habits and living conditions. For example, if you realize that you are spending 15 hours a week commuting to the office, then you decide to move to a more flexible schedule or change your place of work.
