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What you need to know about incontinence and why this condition cannot be hushed up
What you need to know about incontinence and why this condition cannot be hushed up

This problem is not limited to older people. And in order to lead a full-fledged active life, in no case can you deny its existence.

What you need to know about incontinence and why this condition cannot be hushed up
What you need to know about incontinence and why this condition cannot be hushed up

If the urge to use the toilet has become more frequent than usual, and wet spots remain on your underwear, this may mean that you are experiencing incontinence. Do not think that incontinence is a rare and shameful problem: it is diagnosed by Worldwide prevalence estimates of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and bladder outlet obstruction in every third person in the world.

What is incontinence and why does it occur

In simple terms, incontinence is a condition in which it is impossible to control the functioning of the bladder or bowels.

The most common causes of incontinence include Urinary Incontinence:

  • Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are responsible for holding the urethra. If they cease to perform a controlling function, problems begin, for example, incontinence can overtake a person while laughing, running, coughing, sneezing, lifting weights.
  • Overweight. In this case, excessive pressure is exerted on the muscles of the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor.
  • Side effects of medications. Incontinence can be a side effect of certain diuretic drugs.
  • Previous illnesses. Incontinence can be caused by diseases such as stroke, dementia, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and brain damage. They disrupt or obstruct the passage of nerve signals, as a result of which the transmission of correct commands from the brain to the bladder is disturbed.

In women, the risk of experiencing incontinence increases. Urinary incontinence during pregnancy. In the later stages, the cause of incontinence can be a change in the relative position of the abdominal and pelvic organs due to the growing uterus. There is also a risk of incontinence after childbirth and during menopause.

Men who have been diagnosed with prostate adenoma or who have undergone prostate surgery are more likely to experience urinary incontinence. Edema developing in the prostate compresses the urethra, making it impossible to completely empty the bladder. Due to the residual fluid, there are repeated frequent urges to empty.

It is important to find out why you or your loved one is experiencing incontinence. This will help you understand the symptoms and then choose the right care and remedies. Do not hesitate to contact a specialist - this is the best recommendation that will help you build an action plan.

What types and degrees of incontinence are emitted

The most common types of incontinence are stress and urgency. They can manifest Urinary Incontinence at the same time.

  • Stress incontinence mainly occurs in women: most often during pregnancy, after childbirth and over the age of 40. Among men, this type of incontinence occurs Worldwide prevalence estimates of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and bladder outlet obstruction in about 11% of cases. This condition manifests itself when the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder are weakened. For example, when you laugh or cough, the pressure on your bladder builds up and your pelvic floor muscles cannot contract enough to stop urine from flowing out. As a result, slight leakage occurs.
  • Urge incontinence or an overactive bladder implies an automatic leakage of urine without the ability to control it. The body either gives a faint hint of an upcoming action or does not warn about it at all. In a healthy person, the bladder empties 4–8 times a day. If you or your loved one goes to the toilet more often, waking up at night to go to the bathroom, this could be a sign of urge incontinence. This type is more common among men.

Along with the type of incontinence, try to determine the degree of leakage, this is also important when choosing protective equipment:

  1. At mild incontinence is released from a few drops to 400 ml of urine in 8 hours, usually during a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure (severe cough, brisk walking).
  2. Average degree implies the release of 400 to 600 ml of urine in 8 hours - during a calm walk, with light physical exertion.
  3. Severe degree incontinence is accompanied by profuse discharge of more than 600 ml of urine in 8 hours or cases when a person cannot control urination.

Manufacturers of hygiene products separately highlight drip incontinence.

If it is difficult to identify symptoms, the type of incontinence may be unclear. If this is the case, try keeping a diary for 1–2 weeks and recording information about the features of the selection and other data. Then share them with your doctor.

How to maintain a habitual lifestyle if you are incontinent

Incontinence makes it difficult to cope with daily activities, because all thoughts are focused only on how not to spoil clothes, where to find the nearest toilet and whether to afford an extra glass of water. These questions create a tangible psychological burden. Let's figure out what steps to take to make your life more comfortable.

1. Share the problem with your doctor and loved one

The sooner you decide to do this, the easier it will be for you to get started. Make an appointment with your doctor. Think about who from your loved ones could understand and support you in this situation. Look for more information about incontinence from trusted sources, such as the World Federation of Incontinence Patients (WFIP) or the International Incontinence Society (ICS).

2. Find suitable absorbent products

In case of incontinence, we advise you to choose exactly urological remedies: they allow you to quickly remove moisture, distribute it over the absorbent layer and keep the liquid in the pad, preventing the spread of an unpleasant odor. For bedridden or patients with limited mobility, regular diapers may be suitable as care. With an active lifestyle, it is better to choose diapers-panties, they are invisible under clothes and do not cause discomfort when walking. For absorbent garments, measure your waist and hips with the highest value.

For mild incontinence, thin urological pads can be selected. In case of a severe degree, it is worth seeking the advice of a doctor and together choose the means necessary for care. Please note that some brands provide free samples of their products.

3. Pay special attention to the skin in the intimate area

When she is incontinent, she is exposed to negative influences, especially when wearing diapers. In addition to regular washes, it will be useful to use special wet wipes that cleanse and moisturize the skin, and use mild detergents, such as foam or mousse, with each diaper change.

What you need to know about caring for someone with incontinence

When you start caring for someone, your mind and your way of life change. From this moment, you become responsible for the comfort and safety of another person. You must understand that situations may arise along the way that are not easy to prepare physically and emotionally in advance. To get started, we recommend talking honestly and openly with the loved one you plan to look after. If possible, find out what kind of care he needs and make sure that there is no shame in seeking help.

Try to always have hygiene products available to make care easier and keep you clean and comfortable around the clock: disposable wipes, washing mitts or gloves, cleansing lotions or detergents. If your loved one is experiencing urine leakage at home or outdoors, give preference to indelible care - wet wipes, washing cream or mousse. Zip bags are also useful for dirty clothes and used diapers. Have a clean set of underwear ready.

Learn more about government support options. So, for persons with a confirmed disability who are on an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program, the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2018 No. 86n may be provided to receive diapers for free. If you independently purchase products from the category of incontinence care, you can contact How to get compensation for the purchase of rehabilitation equipment for a disabled person for financial compensation.

How is incontinence treated

In some cases, incontinence is treated, which takes time and following the instructions of the specialists. Let us name the methods recommended by Urinary Incontinence by the European Association of Urology.

Kegel exercises

How to correctly perform the exercise for men and women, Lifehacker has already written. The result can be felt in a month or a month and a half, but it is better to continue to perform them regularly for three months.

Lifestyle correction

Obesity, smoking, low physical activity, and the abuse of caffeinated and carbonated beverages can influence urinary incontinence on the development of incontinence. Avoiding caffeinated beverages should be especially useful for those who suffer from morning urge to urinate and urinary incontinence.

Surgical intervention

Doctors distinguish many different types of operations: for example, laser techniques, surgical treatment using sling systems and artificial urinary sphincters in men, as well as sling operations in women, and reconstructive surgeries on the urethra and vagina.

Only a doctor can choose a treatment plan that is right for you, because this requires determining the type of incontinence and finding out its origin. Be sure to consult with a specialist.

Why you shouldn't be ashamed of incontinence

To avoid misunderstanding or ridicule, most people with incontinence try to shut up the problem and not discuss it with loved ones or with their doctor. Another psychological barrier is buying incontinence products, because it is not easy to admit, even to yourself, that you need them.

But such silence, as a rule, sooner or later leads to isolation from society and the rejection of what used to be dear: meeting with friends, work, walking with children, playing sports, a favorite hobby. The most effective way to lead a fulfilling life is to feel free to start an open dialogue about incontinence, share knowledge, and do whatever is necessary to control the problem. The knowledge will help you answer daunting questions and understand difficult things - and you will see how confidence and self-esteem will return to you or your loved one step by step.
