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How to clean batteries from dust
How to clean batteries from dust

Take time for these simple steps and your home will feel cozier and warmer.

How to clean batteries from dust
How to clean batteries from dust

Batteries are of different types, but in Russia, cast iron and aluminum are mainly common. Both of them heat the room due to the hot water circulating inside. But when a layer of dust and dirt accumulates on the radiators, the heat transfer efficiency drops, so they need to be periodically cleaned. Let's analyze this procedure step by step.

1. Prepare everything you need

Ideally, it is a good idea to wipe down the batteries with a damp cloth every week, but you don't always have time for that. If you haven't done this for a long time, you will have to do a more thorough cleaning.

To clean batteries, you will need:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • bucket;
  • liquid detergent;
  • a brush or stick to wrap a rag around;
  • two rags (for washing and wiping dry);
  • a rag or a piece of polyethylene to put under the battery;
  • steam generator or hair dryer (optional).

2. Vacuum up as much dust as possible

For this, it is most convenient to use a flat crevice nozzle. But if it is not there, you can just vacuum it with a tube. Walk carefully through all sections: behind and under the battery and between sections.

Then place a rag or piece of plastic underneath the battery to prevent dirt and water droplets from falling on the floor during the next step. You can also close the wall behind the battery with plastic, securing it with masking tape. This will help protect the wallpaper.

3. Wash the batteries outside

Cast iron

You will need a long brush, which will be easiest to clean between sections. You can also take a stick, wrap a rag around it and secure with electrical tape or tape. As a last resort, an old toothbrush will do. All of these tools will make cleaning easier for you.

Pour warm water into a bucket, add some liquid detergent, such as dishwashing detergent, and wet the brush. Then thoroughly clean the space between the sections with it. After the entire battery has been washed, wipe it dry to prevent rust.


The aluminum battery sections are too narrow, so a brush won't help here. There are several other ways to clean such a radiator:

  1. With a steam generator … Treat the battery with it. The steam will turn into water, and it will drain down along with the dirt. Be sure to place rags under the battery to prevent puddles on the floor.
  2. With a hairdryer … They can blow out the battery. And so that dust does not scatter throughout the room, place damp rags behind and under the battery - the dust will settle on them.
  3. With gloves … It will not be as effective, but it will work if you do not have a steam generator or hair dryer. Put on cotton gloves, soak them in water, and scrub off as much dirt with your hands as possible.

4. Agree to flush the inside of the battery

The battery or one of its sections can become clogged and therefore give off less heat. Here are the signs that this has happened:

  • One of the batteries is colder than the others in the house.
  • The battery is colder to the touch than the pipe next to it.
  • The battery does not warm up evenly.
  • One of the battery sections is cold.

In such cases, it is necessary to flush the inside of the radiator to remove accumulated deposits. To do this, use special chemicals or a very strong pressure of water. But this should be done by a specialist, so call a plumber or call your management company.
