What habits can change your life
What habits can change your life

Quora users talked about habits that have dramatically changed their lives. We removed the platitudes like "exercise," "eat right," and "get enough sleep." You already know about it. For the rest, perhaps not.

What habits can change your life
What habits can change your life

Habits are dangerous. They can both change your life for the better and ruin it. Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to introducing good habits and getting rid of bad ones. Apps are coming out that can really help with this, and scientists are doing research trying to figure out how we get used to something and how to manage it. Quora users which habits have had the greatest impact on their lives.

  1. Make lists. Shefaly Yogendra believes that lists help to relieve the brain and not force it to remember information that can be written down. It helps you think about the really important things.
  2. Maintain personal finances in Excel. A simple table with columns of expenses and income will allow you to understand where the salary goes and what little things should be discarded without any consequences for yourself. Here's a table.
  3. Read books for at least 10 minutes a day. As a motivation, a Quora user quotes Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones: I am sober about my strengths and weaknesses. My mind is my weapon. My brother has a sword, King Robert has his hammer, I have a mind. And the mind requires sharpening just like a sword. But his whetstone is books.
  4. Meditate. We have written more than once about the benefits of daily meditation. One of the best services for teaching meditation is Headspace, and our author Farid Karimov tested its effect on himself.
  5. To brush your teeth not only with a toothbrush, but also with a floss. The brush cleans only three out of five tooth surfaces.
  6. Come up with new ideas every day. I've tested this concept on myself and here's what came out of it.
  7. Create a morning ritual. In the long run, this will help you wake up much easier. The body will be able to wake up at the same time even without an alarm clock.
  8. Back up all data. One accident with the loss of your data is enough to understand how important this is. But you can train yourself to make backups beforehand.
  9. Get up from the computer every half hour. At this time, you can look into the distance to relax the muscles of the eyes, move a little and be distracted.
  10. Spend one day a week without technology. On this day, such as Thursday, get rid of your smartphone, computer, and internet. Spend the day with your family or loved ones wherever you want.
  11. Don't carry a lot of money and credit cards with you. A small amount of cash and one card with a head is enough to move around the city. The advantages are obvious: if you lose everything or your wallet is stolen, the losses will be minimal.
  12. Keep a diary or blog. This is why this is important.

Now you. Tell us which habits have had the greatest impact on your life.
