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10 easy ways to make food tastier
10 easy ways to make food tastier

We've selected 10 simple tips to help you improve the flavor of your food.

10 easy ways to make food tastier
10 easy ways to make food tastier

It's not just the addition of salt and spices that makes food tastier. Some little things that we didn't even know about can also help. Below we have compiled 10 tips to help you taste better your food.

Don't cut the garlic and onion beforehand

Chopped onions and garlic give off strong odors that can become uncomfortable. It is best to cut them at the last moment or soak them in a solution of baking soda and water (1 teaspoon per glass of water). The solution will reduce the pungency, but remember to rinse them before adding them to the dish.

Don't throw away tomato pulp

The seeds and pulp around them have the strongest taste and smell. Therefore, if the dish does not say that you need to get rid of the pulp, do not do it.

Keeping fats fresh

Fats in butter and vegetable oils go rancid after a while and spoil the taste of dishes. In order to slow down this process, it is necessary to limit the supply of oxygen to them. You can do this by putting butter in the freezer, peanut butter in the refrigerator, and vegetable oil in a dark and cool place.

Place ingredients in a hot skillet only

The temperature of the cooking surface decreases as soon as food is placed on it. Therefore, if you are cooking vegetables, wait for the oil in the pan to bubble, and if you are cooking without oil, wait for the steam to come out of the pan.

Add sugar to your food

If you are not against sugar, you can use it on grilled meats, seafood, or vegetables. Sugar will give them a richer flavor.

Improving the taste of spices

To enhance the flavor of spices and dried herbs, cook them in butter or oil for a minute or two before adding them to the dish. If the recipe says to add spices at the end, then add them when the dish has 1-2 minutes to cook.

Don't throw away the fry

The remaining burnt pieces in the pan can serve as an excellent addition to sauce, soup or stew. Pour liquid (wine, juice, broth) into a hot skillet and scrape them off with a wooden spoon.

Don't take out baked goods too early

The ideal color for breads, pies and other pastries is golden brown. Almost all ovens have transparent doors, so you can observe the achievement of the desired condition.

Add some soy sauce or anchovies

Soy sauce and anchovies are high in glutomate, which gives the dish a rich, meaty flavor. Add 1-2 teaspoons of soy sauce to chili or other dressing, or if you are cooking vegetables, add some ground anchovies.

Add fresh herbs on time

Hard herbs such as cumin, rosemary, sage, and oregano should be added at the start of cooking. So they will give more flavor, and their structure will become less solid. Soft herbs like basil, parsley, cilantro, and onions are best added in the last minute or they will lose their smell and vibrant color.

These are very simple tips. I'm sure many of you have developed your own secrets over the years of cooking. Share them in the comments!
