Ways to Relieve Hangovers That Really Work
Ways to Relieve Hangovers That Really Work

Every self-respecting person has a set of rules that he adheres to in order to get rid of the negative effects of alcohol. And, unfortunately, most of them are outright nonsense. We decided to figure out which tips really help with a hangover, and which are nothing more than a myth.

Ways to Relieve Hangovers That Really Work
Ways to Relieve Hangovers That Really Work

Our previous article on alcohol proved to be quite popular. In it, we focused on how alcohol affects our body and brain, and only slightly touched on the topic of how to get rid of negative consequences. There are many ways to relieve a hangover. And many of them are outright nonsense. For example, eating butter before the process itself, so as not to get drunk.

We decided to collect in one place tried and tested ways to deal with hangovers, dividing them into three groups: before, during and after.


In order to feel good the next day after drinking, you need to know when to stop. Not a theoretical limit, but exactly the amount of alcohol, after drinking which you will feel normal. Through trial and error, you probably already know your limit. And once again it is not worth making mistakes and violating it. You will still feel bad the next day.

Since alcohol gets into the stomach and blood, eat before the party. costs … It is better if the food is satisfying, but in moderation. A moderate amount of carbohydrates and fats will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, and thanks to this, the body will somehow normalize its absorption.

It is believed that alcohol of dark colors has a stronger effect on the body and intensifies the consequences. This is due to the appearance during fermentation of biological components of congeners, which enhance the state of intoxication., conducted at the University of Rhode Island, proved that the darker the alcoholic drink, the more it affects the body. Bad news for whiskey lovers. And good for vodka lovers. Probably.


  1. Remember about the upper limit, after which you will definitely feel bad, and do not violate it.
  2. If possible, drink light drinks such as white wine.
  3. Eat an hour before the process.


It is advisable, at least mentally, to divide the amount of alcohol that you will drink evenly throughout the evening and consume it gradually. The mechanism of action of alcohol is such that it is gradually excreted from the body, and if it does not have time, intoxication sets in. In an hour, the liver manages to remove 45 milliliters of alcohol. Therefore, if you normalize its intake, you will be fine both today and the next day.

Particular attention should be paid to liquids. During the process, you need to drink plenty of water, but avoid carbonated drinks, as carbon dioxide accelerates absorption. As for the water, you can set the upper limit yourself. However, you should drink at least one extra liter of water in the knowledge that you will be drinking alcohol. The more dehydrated you get, the worse you will feel the next day.


  1. Drink evenly.
  2. Drink a few extra glasses of water. If necessary, through force.


If you woke up the next day and feel terrible, then you did not listen to our advice and had a lot of fun the day before. Now you have to get rid of the consequences.

The most logical solution is pain relievers. The ones that contain paracetamol are preferred, as aspirin irritates the stomach and can worsen weakness and feeling unwell. Drinking pain reliever, do not spare the water. One or even two glasses will help a dehydrated body to return to normal.

The myth that a hangover is best killed by drinking more alcohol should be dispelled as soon as possible. Doctors advise not to consume alcohol at all for several days after severe consequences in order to allow the body to recover. Considering how you feel during a hangover, this advice is not difficult to follow.


  1. Do not try to get rid of the hangover with new alcohol - it will only get worse.
  2. Paracetamol-based pain relievers are preferred over aspirin.
  3. Water is even more important than before. Drink as much as you can make yourself.


Alcohol consumption is linked to dozens of myths and misconceptions. Many of them are presented as a universal remedy for negative consequences. We decided to analyze the most popular and, what is important, the most harmful advice that is being fed to us.

  1. Mixing alcohol and energy drinks makes you drunk … No. The caffeine in drinks masks the sedative effects of alcohol, making you drink more.
  2. The order of the drinks is important and the variety is important. No. The amount of alcohol than the variety. Feeling uncomfortable when changing drinks is actually due to the fact that you drink too quickly.
  3. Taking aspirin or other pills before drinking reduces the risk of a hangover … No. The effect of painkillers will long pass by the time your head starts to hurt. There is no point in taking pills before alcohol.
  4. Alcohol kills brain cells. No. Alcohol strikes at dendrites - the processes of nerve cells that are responsible for responding to external stimuli. Thus, long-term alcohol use and poor nutrition affect coordination problems.
  5. Coffee and hot showers will make you sober up. No … The liver can process a certain amount of alcohol per hour. For spirits, this number is 45 milliliters. Coffee and showers do not affect the speed and efficiency of the liver in any way.
  6. The more you eat before drinking, the less drunk you will get. Yes and no. Eating in your stomach really slows down the absorption of alcohol. However, only in moderation.
