Play a video game for 5 minutes to relieve stress at work
Play a video game for 5 minutes to relieve stress at work

Scientists have confirmed that it is even more effective than sitting in silence or meditating with an instructor.

Play a video game for 5 minutes to relieve stress at work
Play a video game for 5 minutes to relieve stress at work

Researchers at the University of Central Florida found that taking a five-minute break from video games improves mood and helps you recover from strenuous mental work. …

“We usually try to get our nerve and get things done even when we’re running out of energy, although it’s much more effective to be distracted for a few minutes,” said psychologist Michael Rupp, the study’s director. "Better to take a short break and do something that gives you pleasure and recharges, such as playing a video game."

During the experiment, participants' baseline mood was first measured. The subjects then completed the mental fatigue task and their mood was reassessed. After that, they were given five minutes to rest. The participants were divided into three groups: some played the Sushi Cat video game, others meditated with an instructor, and the third just sat in silence and did not use either a phone or a computer. After the break, the researchers assessed the participants' mood again.

It turned out that those who played the video game had significantly improved mood. And for those who sat in silence, it even got worse.

This is not the first study to support the benefits of video games. In 2014, scientists already noticed that they help you recover from work and reduce stress. First-person shooters were found to be particularly effective. To similar results. researchers came in 2009 as well.
