Calendar Menu for OS X gives quick access to calendar and reminders
Calendar Menu for OS X gives quick access to calendar and reminders
Calendar Menu for OS X gives quick access to calendar and reminders
Calendar Menu for OS X gives quick access to calendar and reminders

Clicking on the clock in the Windows tray to display the calendar is an undeniably convenient feature of the Microsoft system. How many times have OS X been praised for its thoughtfulness, but never got the little thing that Apple's system is so famous for. There were also various applications that added access to the calendar, like iStat Menus, but there it was more of an additional feature than a feature of the program. And why pay more, and even for something that is not necessary? It is much easier to purchase something that will satisfy your needs. For example, Calendar Menu.

After installation, the application icon will settle in the top menu bar in the form of a calendar displaying the current day of the month. Clicking the left mouse button on the icon will bring up a small window with information about the date and a compact calendar for the current month. As a nice bonus, your reminders will be displayed at the very bottom of the window. Naturally, events marked in the calendar and reminders entered in the app of the same name on iOS or OS X will also be available in the Calendar Menu.


Actually, in fact, this is all the features of the application: quick access to the calendar and reminders, and a small operational activity with them. But this is exactly the kind of functionality we needed, isn't it?

Screenshot 2015-01-27 08.39.03
Screenshot 2015-01-27 08.39.03

The Calendar Menu has quite a few settings, among which are interesting to change the theme (white and dark, depending on what you have on OS X) and hotkeys to access the program. In the Calendar and Reminders tabs, you can specify from which direct sources to display information in the application itself.

The cost of the Calendar Menu in the Mac App Store is 219 rubles, which on the one hand is expensive, given the very little functionality, and on the other hand, it is quite cheap compared to the aforementioned iStat Menus. However, the second has a similar opportunity - more a bonus than a basic opportunity. In any case, for those who badly lacked quick access to the calendar, the application will do a good job at a relatively low cost.

Screenshot 2015-01-27 08.39.11
Screenshot 2015-01-27 08.39.11

And what do you think, will Apple implement such a “trick” in standard system capabilities, or will it remain exclusively the prerogative of Windows? Write your opinions in the comments!
