These 4 questions will tell you whether to take another person's advice
These 4 questions will tell you whether to take another person's advice

It is very important to understand whether this or that person is giving you really useful advice.

These 4 questions will tell you whether to take another person's advice
These 4 questions will tell you whether to take another person's advice

Stephen King, Margaret Mitchell and J. K. Rowling have stumbled on their path to fame more than once. They got rejections from many publishers. Imagine if they followed the advice of publishers not to publish their works. The world would be deprived of stunning masterpieces of literature.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the popular book Eat, Pray, Love, has also received stacks of rejection letters for years. To understand whether to entrust the fate of her work to some person, she asked herself four questions:

  1. Do I trust the taste and opinion of this person?
  2. Does he understand why I am doing this?
  3. Does this person really want me to be successful?
  4. Is he able to convey the truth to me without hurting my feelings?

If she could not answer positively all the questions, then she did not allow this person to read her book and express her opinion about it. According to Gilbert, the last question is the most important. Because being rude can only harm the desire to create.

The writer admits that this method works in her personal life as well. To open up to someone, you need to make sure they can be trusted.
