How to relax while doing sports?
How to relax while doing sports?

Go for a massage and don't forget about strength training.

How to relax while doing sports?
How to relax while doing sports?

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Interested in the following question: how to relax while playing sports and jogging? As I run, I can feel my upper body tense up a lot. And a similar situation when I do physical exercises.

Yuri Gerasimov

While running, follow the shape: how your arms move, what position your shoulders are in, where your gaze is directed. We described the technique in detail in.

Watch this constantly until the correct position becomes a habit. If during a run you feel that the tension is increasing, while inhaling, freely lower your arms to your sides. Then exhale forcefully and shake them lightly, completely relaxing the muscles. After that, run with the usual technique, concentrating on the position of the body.

Overexertion during other exercises can occur due to clogged and stiff muscles in the upper body. Most often, this problem is faced by people who have to keep their body in one position at work for a long time - for example, sit at the computer or behind the wheel, stand bent over.

If so, use it to stretch your shoulders, chest and back. And here are a few from yoga and stretching. Choose the right ones for yourself and do them daily, hold the position for 30-120 seconds. While doing this, breathe deeply and evenly and try to relax.

If possible, go for a massage or buy for a self-massage - it can help. And don't forget about power loads. If some muscles are stiff, their antagonists are most likely weak. Add to your workouts exercises to strengthen the muscles of the upper body - push-ups and pull-ups, push-ups on the uneven bars.
