11 tips for beginner travel bloggers
11 tips for beginner travel bloggers

Travel bloggers travel the world for free and write articles about their adventures that are read by thousands of people. If you also want to become one of them, read the tips from the author of 20 travel guides and a famous travel blogger on how to do it.

11 tips for aspiring travel bloggers
11 tips for aspiring travel bloggers

1 -

Almost each of us has in our souls our own mix of guilt, fears, complexes and resentments stretching from childhood. If you have thoughts that blogging is not a real profession or that you will not succeed, then it is probably only a matter of your self-doubt. Just allow yourself to become a travel blogger - take the first step.

2 -

Stephen King wrote 100,500 editorial-rejected short stories before becoming one of the most sought-after writers and screenwriters of our time. Write, write and write, then your texts will get better every time.

3 -

Read those who have already taken place in the profession, and do not hesitate to ask them questions that concern you, now it is very easy to do it on social networks. The zealots, of course, will not answer, but there are not so many of them. The Internet is a collective mind, and today you have every chance not to reinvent the wheel, but to get someone else's experience for free, and quite quickly.

4 -

Look for articles and videos on travel journalism, read motivating books for bloggers, watch useful video courses - improve your skills without leaving your home.

5 -

Take lectures on blogging or travel journalism, which are often free. There you will meet gurus and like-minded people, and at the same time get inspired by someone else's experience.

6 -

Learn to tell stories. This is exactly what keeps the reader's attention from the beginning to the end of the text. Storytelling - the science of screenwriting - is very useful for travel bloggers.

7 -

Give your audience what they need. To do this, study her needs. Read what your audience is already consuming. Come up with more useful texts on old topics.

8 -

Find your niche and hone it up. This is the hardest part. It should not be too narrow, but also not extremely extensive. Then success awaits you. Study branding to figure out where to start.

9 -

Explore everything you can find on the topic of promotion. Good old PR is unthinkable today without SEO and SMM. How, these acronyms don't tell you anything? Read up on this urgently because good content is only half the battle.

10 -

In Russia, there is still no opportunity to get a higher education in travel journalism, but you can take courses in order to adopt the wisdom of experienced people in a concentrated form in just a month. At the same time, get a diploma, make friends with like-minded people and enlist lifelong support and recommendations from professionals.

11 -

The hardest part is taking the first step. But you've already done it by reading this article. Now you already have some idea of how to immerse yourself in a dream profession that will allow you to travel around the world for free and write about your adventures in a way that will be read by thousands of people.

In a word, do not be afraid of anything and just take it step by step. Start learning the profession and practice. Very soon, this path itself will take you where you need to: you will get to know the editors, or decide to make your own blog, or discover some other unpredictable opportunities that are right for you. You can handle it!
