Balanced for iOS helps you achieve your goals
Balanced for iOS helps you achieve your goals

Balanced is a free iOS app to help you achieve your goals. It all depends on you, but with it you can make 2015 the year of achievement.

Balanced for iOS helps you achieve your goals
Balanced for iOS helps you achieve your goals

Could we have thought 10 years ago that applications will help us develop willpower, set goals and achieve them? You can lie and say yes, but you already know the correct answer. Surprisingly, apps like these really help you achieve your goals and instill good habits. Habit List, Weekly, Habit Clock, and now also Balanced, which will be discussed below.

Balanced is a free app, and of all its kind, it seems to me to be the most functional. I liked the fact that the goals do not have to be prescribed independently. This can be done, but I am sure that you will find the right ones in the list.

The goals are divided into groups: development, creativity, sports, confidence and others. In each of the groups there are a dozen things that each of us should do, but only if we lived in an ideal world.


For each goal, you need to set the frequency and select the icon if you are not satisfied with the standard one. The list of goals looks like in other applications, and by swiping to the left, you can mark goals as completed.


Although the app is free, additional features can be purchased with a $ 2.99 upgrade. There are many of them, but nevertheless, the limitations of the free version are not felt. Paid features include statistics and a graph of habits, unlimited goals, colored icons, and a dark theme.


I liked Balanced. It can be used without any problems in the free version, and the paid one, despite the large number of openable functions, exists rather to thank the developer.
