5 tips for creating a video resume
5 tips for creating a video resume
5 tips for creating a video resume
5 tips for creating a video resume

The job market is very saturated today, and large employers look through hundreds of resumes a day. To somehow stand out from the crowd, you can record a video resume, complementing the traditional CV. The main thing is to do it right.

1. Make sure the video resume is appropriate for the job

Don't create a resume just like that, going nowhere. Apply for a specific position in a specific company, record a video corresponding to this job.

In your resume video, you can speculate on professional topics, this will add weight to you in the eyes of HR.

Graeme Anthony in the video above is a public relations specialist. His thoughts on online advertising and the technique of performing the video itself will definitely impress a potential employer.

2. Don't read your resume

A video resume should reveal and show you. Reading a resume is a waste of other people's time. Show the employer not what you have already achieved, but what you can achieve in the future.

“Tell us what you can do for the employer and why they should hire you,” advises Mario Gedicke, video resume platform manager at Mayomann.com.

And, if possible in the case of a specific job, feel free to share your hobbies.

3. Keep your resume short

“Keep in mind that HR professionals may use a video resume as an initial test for job applicants,” said Tyler Redford, executive director of resumebook.tv's resume management system. "However, HR people usually prefer live interviews."

Think of a video resume as your personal trailer or teaser. In the example above, the resume is about a minute and twenty seconds long. The rest of the few seconds are devoted to captions with contacts and to show the bloopers when shooting. Which, by the way, helps to bring down unnecessary seriousness and serves to reveal your persona.

4. Add creativity

If you decide to make a video resume - bring the idea to its logical conclusion. Don't be afraid to be creative, add some humor.

But stay stylish. “Be creative but professional. Don't stray too far from your work demeanor,”says Redford.

In the video, James Corne makes a kind of confession, a lengthy account of life. But he is dressed as if he was going to the office. His creativity and humor certainly add to his points.

5. Make sure your resume is screened

Don't miss the opportunity to go viral on your resume. It's unlikely that your video resume will become an internet sensation, but it definitely doesn't have to be boring.

Imagine your friends or family are looking at your resume. If you are confused by this thought, do not submit it.
