Table of contents:

Jumping: how trampoline training can help you lose weight and become stronger
Jumping: how trampoline training can help you lose weight and become stronger

Jumping to music works as well as running.

Jumping: How Trampoline Training Can Help You Lose Weight and Become Stronger
Jumping: How Trampoline Training Can Help You Lose Weight and Become Stronger

What is jumping

Jumping® is a mini-trampoline cardio training system invented by Czech fitness instructors.

During the jumping session, calm steps, swaying and balance exercises alternate with intense sprints and high jumps. Due to such intervals, the pulse remains high throughout the entire session, and the person does not need rest and spends a lot of calories.

Classes are held with cheerful music, so training is fun.

Why you should try jumping

Jumping helps you lose weight

Jumping, you will spend from 9, 4 to 12, 4 kcal per minute. Thus, a half-hour lesson will burn 282-372 kcal - about the same you can spend on a run.

Two months of such regular training will help you lose 0.5%. Does Mini-Trampoline Training More Effective than Running on Body Weight, Body Fat, VO2 max and Vertical Jump in Young Men? up to 5.4% The Effect of Several Weeks of Training with Mini-Trampolines on Jump Performance, Trunk Strength and Endurance Performance fat without any diets. And if you adjust your diet, you will lose weight even faster.

Develops endurance better than running

During a cardio session on a trampoline, the heart rate is kept ACE ‑ SPONSORED RESEARCH: Putting Mini ‑ trampolines to the Test within 145 beats per minute. This is the aerobic zone in which the heart and lungs learn to work more efficiently.

Will you train Does Mini-Trampoline Training More Effective than Running on Body Weight, Body Fat, VO2 max and Vertical Jump in Young Men? cardiovascular system, stop choking from daily stress and start enjoying physical activity.

What's more, jumping increases endurance even better. Does Mini-Trampoline Training More Effective than Running on Body Weight, Body Fat, VO2 max and Vertical Jump in Young Men? quiet running at a speed of 7-8 km / h, much less The Effect of Several Weeks of Training with Mini-Trampolines on Jump Performance, Trunk Strength and Endurance Performance loading the joints.

Strengthens muscles

In any jumping movement, the muscles of the hips, hip flexors and abs are well loaded. Also, depending on the exercise, other muscle groups are connected.

For example, during high jumps with support on the handle, the chest, triceps and deep back muscles are also loaded. The Effect of Several Weeks of Training with Mini-Trampolines on Jump Performance, Trunk Strength and Endurance Performance.

And the Jumping Jacks exercise includes the work of the shoulder muscles - the front and middle beams of the deltas.

It will not work to pump up with jumping, since there is no work with resistance. But to tone the muscles and get a toned body is quite.

If you want beautiful terrain, add strength training to jumping. Barbell and dumbbell exercises will help you increase muscle volume, and trampoline jumping will help you lose extra pounds so that the relief appears from under the fat layer.

Improves mood

Trampoline, incendiary music, elements of dance movements - all this makes training really fun. You will sweat and breathe often, but at the same time you will be charged with a good mood.

In addition, in response to aerobic activity, the brain will produce more serotonin, a pleasure hormone that will only keep you positive after exercise.

Allows you to study at home

The compact jumping trampoline fits even in a small apartment. During the lesson, you will need about 1.5 meters of free space. And you can store the simulator in an upright position by unscrewing the handle.

Who is not allowed to jump

The official website of Jumping does not mention contraindications for classes. Moreover, it states ABOUT JUMPING that the training system is suitable for recovery from injuries and joint problems.

However, like any other intense training, jumping can be harmful for existing problems, such as cardiovascular Intensity of physical exertion and triggering of myocardial infarction: a case-crossover study system. You need to be especially careful when pregnant.

First, consult with your doctor, and if you are going to work out in a fitness club with a trainer, warn him about your health problems.

What you need to practice jumping

You can find a group jumping program in your city or practice at home. In the first case, you only need comfortable clothes and sneakers; in the second, you will have to buy a trampoline.

Fitness trampolines differ on several criteria:

  • The presence of a handle. Relying on it, you can perform more powerful and intense movements, high jumps and sprints without the risk of flying off the simulator and getting injured.
  • The form. There are round and hexagonal trampolines. The latter are specially designed by the creators of jumping for an extended range of motion. On such a simulator, you can do jumps with a wider stance.
  • Type of fasteners. The trampoline canvas can be attached to the frame using metal springs or elastic cables. The latter will not rattle, frightening neighbors.

A round trampoline without a handle and with springs can be bought for 4-6 thousand rubles. Hexagonal trainers with elastic bands and a handle cost about 7-12 thousand rubles.

You can also purchase original Jumping® mini trampolines from the creators of the fitness system. They are sold on the official website and cost from 22 to 45.5 thousand rubles, depending on the model.

What exercises to do for warm-up and relaxation

Start your workout with simple, calm exercises. They will help warm up the muscles and prepare the body for more serious stress.

Calm movements also come in handy in between intense jumps: you can catch your breath without cooling down.

Low jumps in place

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, gently bend your knees and jump low, helping yourself with your hands.

You can also join your legs and repeat the movement in this position.

Jumping from foot to foot with foot to toe

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, transfer your body weight to one leg, and put the other on your toes. Then repeat the same on the other side.

Semi-squat wiggle

Bend your knees, tilt your torso forward with your back straight, and place your feet together. Sway on the trampoline without taking your feet off the canvas.

Make several movements with your legs together, then spread them wider and swing in this position.

Continue alternating the width of the stance, you can add hand movements, or simply fold them in front of you.

How to do the intense part of the workout

The following exercises are designed to raise your heart rate and provide a good load on your muscles. Do them vigorously and with maximum effort.


Place your forearms or palms on the mini-trampoline handle, transfer part of your body weight to it and jump with a high hip lift. Make sure that the body is in an inclined position during movement.

You can do these jumps with your legs together or spread them wide, and change position in the process.

Running with a high hip lift

Raise your knees high, move at a fast pace, helping yourself with your hands.


Bend your knees slightly, tilt your body with your back straight, and run in place as fast as possible using your arms.

Jumping jacks

Perform jumps "legs together - legs apart", accompanying the movement with your arms. You can do as in the video, or join your palms over your head with a clap, like in the classic Jumping Jacks.

You can also perform a double movement: do two jumps with a wide stance and two with a narrow one.

What jumping exercises can help develop balance

The unstable canvas of the mini-trampoline opens up great opportunities for pumping balance. The following movements will help you develop a sense of balance and strengthen your stabilizing muscles.

Leaving the leg to the side

Stand up straight with your arms out to the sides. Raise one knee, swing your leg to the side while straightening it, and then bring it back. Do it twice on one leg, then repeat on the other.

Raising your legs to the side

Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your straight leg as high as you can, and hold it in that position with a slight wiggle. Then repeat on the other leg.

Move from lunge to warrior pose

Stand next to the trampoline and place one foot on the canvas. Transfer your weight to it, tilt your body to parallel with the floor and extend your arms and free leg so that they are in line with your body.

Then lunge back and repeat again. Do the same number of reps on both legs.

How to combine different jumping exercises

Usually a workout consists of all three types of exercises, which are combined in different variations. You can get creative: turn on your favorite music, warm up, and then do intense exercises with the active part, and slow ones during quiet losses.

If you don't feel like improvising, decide on a list of movements in advance and combine them according to the principle of interval training. Do each exercise for 30–90 seconds and then change to another. Below is an example of such a complex.

Warm up:

  • Low jumps with a wide stance - 30 seconds.
  • Low jumps with a narrow stance - 30 seconds.
  • Leaps from foot to foot with feet on toes (feet together) - 30 seconds.
  • Leaps from foot to foot with feet on toes (feet shoulder-width apart) - 30 seconds.

Main body (5 circles):

  • Running with a high hip lift - 30 seconds.
  • Low jumps with a narrow stance - 30 seconds.
  • Sprint - 30 seconds.
  • Stomping - 30 seconds.
  • Swinging in a half-squat - 30 seconds.
  • Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds.

If you don't feel like coming up with anything, just find a YouTube video and do it with the group. In the playlist below, there are some cool complexes with incendiary music and interesting choreography.

How often to jump

Start with three sessions a week of 15–20 minutes. As you get used to the stress, increase the duration of the sessions until you reach 30-45 minutes. Also, over time, you can train more often - 4-5 times a week.

The specific number of sessions depends on your preparation, intensity and duration of the session. For example, jumping warm-ups for 10 minutes can be done at least every day, and after intense trampoline marathons for 45-60 minutes it is better to rest for 48 hours.

The main thing is to have fun. Mini trampolines are just made to enjoy every workout, recharge with energy and good mood. Use this and get yourself in top shape.
