Straight or oblique? Victoria Sky's new incredible optical illusion
Straight or oblique? Victoria Sky's new incredible optical illusion

Magician from Atlanta Victoria Sky created an interesting optical illusion that combines art, science and mathematics. Take a closer look at what you see: parallel straight lines or oblique and curved stripes?

Straight or oblique? Victoria Sky's new incredible optical illusion
Straight or oblique? Victoria Sky's new incredible optical illusion

Take a close look at the image below. The stripes appear to be tilted and slightly curved. A leapfrog of alternating patterns and colors tricks your brain.


In fact, they are perfectly straight and parallel to each other.

Yes, absolutely straight! Don't believe me? Well, look.


The Victoria Sky illusion is a variant of the Cafe Wall Illusion. Researchers at the University of Bristol discovered it in 1970 thanks to a mosaic wall in a cafe, which is why it got its name. Optical illusion is created due to the combined action of retinal neurons and visual cortex neurons.

If you need more brain-breaking illusions, this is the place for you.
