AdBlock Plus now blocks ads to sell your own
AdBlock Plus now blocks ads to sell your own

AdBlock Plus is positioned as an ad blocker, but the latest initiative of the service - the sale of that very ad - puts this good initiative for users into a big question.

AdBlock Plus now blocks ads to sell your own
AdBlock Plus now blocks ads to sell your own

AdBlock Plus has been buzzing around in recent weeks, especially thanks to the fight against Facebook. The social network is looking for workarounds in order to bypass the blocker and show ads to users. AdBlock Plus quickly responds to the slightest Facebook traffic and poses new barriers to advertisers. However, the latest initiative of the service calls into question all previous good endeavors.

Take a deep breath, because the next few sentences will surprise you a lot. So, AdBlock Plus is launching a platform where it will sell ads. It will be shown to users of the service instead of banners blocked by AdBlock Plus. In other words, you block one ad in order to see another, pleasing to the service itself.

The ad site is a continuation of an initiative called Acceptable Ads. These banners are whitelisted by the blocker and are visible to users even when AdBlock Plus is active. Thus, the service will take money from advertisers and independently decide what users should see and what not. The funds received from the sale of advertising will be used for the further development of the project, but is such protection against advertising needed, which becomes, rather, its alternative version?

It turns out that the use of AdBlock not only deprives of additional advertising funds the sites visited by the user, but also sponsors an alternative source of advertising, which, according to representatives of the service, is the lesser of two evils. Time will show how this decision will affect the future of the service, but for now it is predicted that it will receive 6% of the profits from the advertising market on the Internet.
