The Great Suspender is a Chrome extension that makes it less power hungry
The Great Suspender is a Chrome extension that makes it less power hungry

The Great Suspender is a Chrome extension that suspends unused browser tabs. Thus, two main problems of the browser are solved: RAM is saved and power consumption is reduced.

The Great Suspender is a Chrome extension that makes it less power hungry
The Great Suspender is a Chrome extension that makes it less power hungry

One of the main problems with Chrome is considered its excessive gluttony. For example, MacBook Air runs half as much with Chrome as it does with Safari. This annoys Windows users too, so much so that some of them

Perhaps The Great Suspender extension can solve this problem. After a while, it "lulls" unused tabs in the browser, thereby saving battery power and RAM.

Suspended tab
Suspended tab

The time after which the work of the tab will be suspended, you specify. In the settings, you can also prohibit the "lulling" of tabs containing request forms, or enable the function of "waking up" tabs when you go to them. Using the hotkey bar, you can set keyboard shortcuts. They will pause or launch all open tabs.

Settings panel
Settings panel

I'm sure a lot of Chrome users will want to give the extension a try, and we're looking forward to your feedback. Tell us if the power consumption and the amount of RAM used have changed a lot, and if the extension's operation affects the browser performance.
