REVIEW: “The rules of Kawasaki. A tough guide for those who want to leave the competition behind "
REVIEW: “The rules of Kawasaki. A tough guide for those who want to leave the competition behind "
REVIEW: “The rules of Kawasaki. A tough guide for those who want to leave the competition behind "
REVIEW: “The rules of Kawasaki. A tough guide for those who want to leave the competition behind "

Usually from the title of the book you understand who it is for and what it is about. Additional information is also required here. So, we can congratulate Guy on the fact that people read his books simply because he wrote them. For those who are more intent, I will state for whom it can be useful and why the spread of these people is so great.

In general, the book is written for the management team, for the CEO and those who orbit close to the CEO. This is not just a book, but a quick guide to everything about everything. Everything that Guy himself touched during his work, about which he wrote in his blog.


It is gratifying that often in the text you see not only bare information, but also his philosophical thoughts on the topic, as well as frequent quotes from his mother.

When entrepreneurs ask me for my opinion on their ideas, I usually give them two answers - honest or “comfortable”. Most choose an honest answer and usually thank me for it. It is an honest answer that helps them learn something new, albeit not in the most pleasant form.

I recommend buying the book in the office library: separate chapters will be useful to completely different professionals: there is a chapter for people who write pitches; for those who work with clients; a separate part for the marketing department; and there are chapters that will be useful to everyone who works with people (about bastards and sucking up).


From the book, you will learn information from how to please a blogger, to how to become an excellent moderator at a conference, from how cool it is to conduct a Demo, to how to get investments for your project. Well, it was useful to read about evangelism from the person who introduced this term, as well as about schmucking, competent preparation of presentations and much, much more. In any case, you will find in the book material that will help you in your work and direct your brain and hands in the right direction.


If you are going to start your own business in the field of information technology (and not only), then this book will become for you a gold mine of ideas and advice, as well as that sobering shower that will bring you to your senses, if necessary, because Guy is a person, which evaluates projects from a group of players called "Investors". Guy is not just an investor, he is a successful investor, which means that through a gigantic stream of proposals with new cool projects, he weeds out the really cool ones.
