26 wise conclusions about life from ordinary people
26 wise conclusions about life from ordinary people

Do you want to know what people like you and me say about life? Or maybe you want to share your findings and observations? Then this article is for you.

26 wise conclusions about life from ordinary people
26 wise conclusions about life from ordinary people

We are used to the fact that wise thoughts are expressed by renowned writers, scientists, great politicians or great artists. However, all people have the right to their own discoveries, regardless of their status and social status. Sometimes there is much more wisdom in the head of a simple peasant than in a dozen successful stars or business leaders. After all, we all live roughly the same lives, only at different levels. And we make about the same discoveries. To prove this once again, the writer and journalist (Brianna Wiest) asked several dozen completely ordinary people to share their greatest life discoveries. And that's what she heard.

  1. I cannot change the world, but I can change my attitude towards it.
  2. I am not obliged to apologize to anyone for disagreeing with them.
  3. You can have whatever you want, just not right away. And if you think that this is sad, then imagine that at one moment you received the fulfillment of all your desires. This is sadness.
  4. You can choose your family. You can choose your religion. You can choose what kind of person you want to be today and become tomorrow. However, you can never become comfortable and understandable for everyone without exception.
  5. Everything around is just a projection of me. If I want to change something, then first of all I need to change myself.
  6. Freedom is a state of mind.
  7. Nothing in our life lasts forever. But often we forget about it and are in no hurry to enjoy what we have.
  8. In addition to sublime love, there are dozens of its varieties. Besides happiness, there are many other equally exciting human feelings. Failure to coincide with the stereotyped ideal does not mean failure. Life is generally different.
  9. We don't remember the year. We remember moments.
  10. I don't have to be anyone else but myself.
  11. No one mourns the handsome face or clothing of the departed at a funeral. Everyone remembers his personality and soul. Do not forget for a second what is really important in a person.
  12. People will not love you based on a comprehensive analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. The most beautiful or the richest are not always the most beloved at the same time. Remember this every time you think that the reason for loneliness lies in the shape of your nose or the size of your bank account.
  13. In order to successfully overcome obstacles, it is important to always remember that every event has a cause. When eliminating consequences, do not forget about the reason.
  14. What seems to be the event of your whole life today will not even be remembered tomorrow. But simple insignificant details of everyday life will pop up in memory for more than one year.
  15. There is always an opportunity to find a new job, move to the city of your dreams, find love. The main thing is not to turn away from these opportunities when life once again pokes its nose in them.
  16. The worst experiences in our lives are really just lessons that warn us against real misery.
  17. You will only fail the moment you stop trying.
  18. Don't take it so seriously. In any case, as long as you are still alive.
  19. I cannot change those around me. Real change happens only when each person does exactly what he should, and does not point the finger at the shortcomings that he sees in others.
  20. Wisdom consists in the realization that no one has ultimate knowledge. Once everyone believed that the Earth was flat, today they say that it is round, and who can predict what they will come up with tomorrow?
  21. Even if you give up faith, hope and love, they will not leave you.
  22. When you enter the library, all the knowledge of the world lies before you. When you wake up in the morning, the whole universe opens up to you. It is important to remember this, and not just see shelves of books and another ordinary day.
  23. True happiness is hidden in the little things. In a good book, fresh vegetables, a warm bed, the touch of a loved one. Somehow it is not very customary to talk about these things, but it is them that should be appreciated.
  24. Let's look at our life from a pessimistic point of view. In a hundred years, no one will definitely remember you and will not discuss your decisions. So why are we afraid to live the life we want?
  25. I don't have to be who other people expect me to be. After all, how would they know which way I should be?
  26. We are in captivity of precisely those people or things that we want to possess ourselves. Freedom consists in giving up the desire to own something.

And what conclusions did our readers draw from the traversed life path? Share?
