10 questions to get to know someone better
10 questions to get to know someone better

It's also a great way to break out of awkward silence.

10 questions to get to know a person better: tips from netizens
10 questions to get to know a person better: tips from netizens

A new interesting one has appeared on Reddit. In it, users discuss what questions to ask a person in order to learn more about him and defuse the situation. We chose several popular options.

1 … “I like to ask about my favorite food. This is a simple and harmless question, to which everyone will have something to answer - and often this is also accompanied by some kind of story , -

2 … “Do you have a talent that you really use? For example, my girlfriend parks perfectly and always chooses the fastest queue at the checkout in the supermarket,”

3 … "What is the best thing that happened to you today?"

4 … "What three wishes would you make to a genie?" -

5 … “What are you most afraid of? Today I asked this question to my students, they wrote the answers anonymously on pieces of paper for notes. They couldn't see what others were writing until I hung all the notes on the board. It's interesting, but many wrote about their mother , -

6 … "If you could only eat one type of cheese for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?" -

7 … “What exactly do you know more than me? This is both the beginning of a conversation, and a way to learn more about a person's interests, and an opportunity to see how he talks about something that is important to him, and just a chance to learn something new and interesting”, -

8 … “Talking about pets always helps out. If they are not there, you can always ask whom he or she would like to have, what breeds they like, whether there were pets in the family and so on. This is a rather personal question, but still not too personal for the first meeting. And all the owners of animals love to talk about them , -

9 … “I would like to ask you to share ghost stories. Answers vary depending on religion, culture and upbringing. Taxi drivers in New York never disappoint."

10 … "If I give you money to open a themed cafe, what will be the theme, what will you call it and what will be the signature cocktail?" -
