Sounds is an application that will convey the mood of your favorite tracks on Instagram
Sounds is an application that will convey the mood of your favorite tracks on Instagram

Sometimes a song can perfectly complement your Instagram feed and convey the mood much better. Unfortunately, the basic functionality of the social network does not allow this, but the Sounds application does not.

Sounds is an application that will convey the mood of your favorite tracks on Instagram
Sounds is an application that will convey the mood of your favorite tracks on Instagram

As for me, every moment of life has a unique soundtrack. The last sunny autumn brunches are perfectly accompanied by unpretentious Coldplay melodies, it is pleasant to get ready for work to the cheerful tunes of Vampire Weekend, a soulful party with friends is combined with a bright and rainbow Jamie xx album, and a belated return home in a rainy evening city is the best match for measured and intimate tracks. The xx.

Sounds suggests adding your favorite tracks to social media posts
Sounds suggests adding your favorite tracks to social media posts

offers to add your favorite tracks to publications on social networks. In the case of Facebook and Twitter, these are just links to the song with its album cover, but for Instagram, the application creates a 15-second snippet, and you can replace the cover with any image from the gallery.


Sounds works with three music sources: Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud. This will guarantee you successful searches for almost any song, but as a last resort, you can insert it from your local media library. After choosing a composition, the application will offer to choose the passage that should sound in the publication. It's worth noting that for Spotify and Apple Music, the duration is limited to a fixed 30 seconds.

After selecting an image for publication, Sounds generates a video that is saved in the gallery. Your only post is on Instagram.

After selecting an image for publication, Sounds generates a video
After selecting an image for publication, Sounds generates a video

Having tried Sounds in action, I can give you a couple of tips. By default, the pictures show the application watermark, which confused me. In order not to pay 5 euros for its withdrawal, just invite five people, you can even fictitious by you, to install the application. Second: if you decide to send invitations to friends, please note that Sounds does not recognize contacts typed in Cyrillic. And the last thing: if you choose a picture with proportions other than square, crop it in the photo editor, since you cannot select the displayed area in the application.
