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7 easy ways to stay motivated
7 easy ways to stay motivated

The biggest bankrupt in this world is a person who has lost his enthusiasm for life.

Matthew Arnold

From all sides, they never stop repeating to us how important motivation is to achieve our goals. With this, of course, no one will argue. The question is, how to keep your motivation for a long time?

We are so addicted to the new fashionable diet, but a week later we are eating these delicious cakes again. We take on a new project with such enthusiasm, and after a while we give up, plunged to the ground by numerous difficulties. Every year we start a new healthy life, sign up for the gym and run in the morning, and now the simulators are quietly covered with dust, pushed to a far corner.


Motivation is a powerful force that can make us change ourselves or change the world around us. But, like any strong emotion, it can quickly leave us. Here are seven tips to prevent this from happening.

1. Do what you like

Yes, this is much easier said than done in practice. Still, it's worth trying to focus your efforts on activities that you enjoy. Consider the following:

At work. It may not be time to move on to your dream job, but maybe it would be wise to pay more attention to those things that you like, and delegate others to colleagues?

Your goals. When setting a goal, it is very important to take care of the most enjoyable way for you to achieve it. For example, if you want to become more athletic, then you need to choose the kind of physical activity that brings you pleasure, and not what is advertised in glossy magazines.

Your obligations. Don't be afraid to say no to whatever weighs you down and pulls you back. Perhaps this is one of the main skills in life.

2. Focus on the end result

Most of the really important goals require quite significant efforts from you, which can only bring the desired result over a long period of time. You can strive for a wealthy and independent lifestyle, but for this you will have to bend your back for a long time.

Instead of focusing on the current difficult and unpleasant task, focus better on the reason for which you need to complete it. Hang a picture of your dreams over your workplace and pay attention to it more often.


3. Start by winning

If you have a tough, stressful day or are starting a new project, try to do easy, quick tasks at the beginning that bring quick results. It will boost your mood and help you gain the self-confidence you need to start important things. Typically, these are tasks that can be completed in a few minutes, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment. It could be cleaning your desk, parsing your email, or a phone call that you have been putting off for a long time, and so on.

4. Continue with the difficult challenge

After you've done a few quick, easy tasks while the fuse is still awake, it's best to tackle your biggest challenge of the day. It may not be easy, but once you get past the main task of the day, everything else will seem like a trifle. In addition, if you put off the most difficult at the end of the day, then most likely it will smoothly move to the next day, and then the next. This makes difficult tasks impossible.

5. Take regular breaks

When you feel refreshed and rested, it is very easy to be motivated. Taking breaks is a great way to boost your productivity. Instead of spending hours at a time mixing work and rest in the arms of procrastination, you will have a clear time to work and a specific time to rest. It brings organization to your day and helps you do business without being distracted by extraneous things.


6. Don't take on too much

Most of us are overwhelmed with different tasks and goals. We try to achieve a lot at once, and as a result we get nothing but chronic fatigue.

Let's not forget that there are only 24 hours in a day and leave time for rest, entertainment and pleasure for us. The desire to be smart, beautiful and successful at the same time is, of course, good, but it is better to have only one global goal at a time and give it your maximum attention. This way you will have a much better chance of success.

7. Reward yourself

Small prizes for each important step can be a good motivation tool, especially if you are doing work that is not very interesting to you. An extraordinary break, a cup of coffee, a walk in the park or your favorite dish - choose what really pleases you and reward yourself, your beloved, for real success.

One of the most important factors that differentiates great people from their less successful competitors is their relentless pursuit of their goals. Maintaining, despite difficulties and failures, their motivation at a high level for a long time gives them the strength, perseverance and determination, which are the key to the successful achievement of any goal. We hope that these tips will help you with this.
