12 ways to burn more calories while running
12 ways to burn more calories while running

Over time, your body will get used to your running pace just like any other exercise you do on a regular basis. When this happens, increase the intensity of your training to give the body the required workout. These 12 ways will definitely help you with this.

12 ways to burn more calories while running
12 ways to burn more calories while running

Running is one of the best and most inexpensive cardio workouts. You've probably met keen runners who don't miss their daily workout, even if the weather isn't very conducive to it. If you, too, have contracted the running virus, then you already feel that it affects not only your physical, but also your morale. You run away from stress and bad thoughts. To continue to actively burn calories at the same time, use the following methods.

Add sprints

Running the entire distance at the same pace is a great solution. But if you want to burn those extra calories, add 30-second sprints to your run. Repeat them every few minutes, give yourself plenty of breathing space before the next sprint.

Increase the distance

Increase your daily distance. Run 5 km, run 7, 5 or so. Run longer - you burn more calories.

Run in hilly terrain

If there are no descents and ascents in your usual distance, it's time to change the route a little. Going uphill will slow your pace, but not your heart rate. And in general, it is fun to periodically change routes.

Accelerate the pace

Time your normal running distance and try to run it faster. This may take several tries and days, but you will definitely burn a ton of calories in the process.

Diversify your workouts

Who said you should only run? You can add lunges, jumps, and even curbside push-ups to your workout. Jogging will no longer be monotonous, and strength training will help burn calories and dazzle an athletic figure.

Use weights

Weighted vests or leg weights will increase the effectiveness of your workout. If you don't have them, you can pick up small dumbbells.

Pull or push something heavy

If you are a happy parent, you can combine walking with your toddler and exercising. Yes, run and push the stroller in front of you. Most likely, you will not be able to keep up with the pace, but you will definitely burn a lot of calories!

Design your own obstacle course

Without much effort, you can create an obstacle course for yourself while jogging: jump over puddles, make a "snake" between fallen tree branches, climb the ladders on the playground. More creativity!

Do a strength training session before your run

Only through strength training a beautiful relief is formed. Short - 20-30 minutes - strength training before a run will help you burn a lot more calories (and fat!).

Sign up for the competition

Taking part in the competition is a goal that will make you beat yourself over and over again every day and increase your training intensity. Do you want to be the best in the race?

Run less

Sounds strange, right? But here's the text under the asterisk: Run less, but at a faster pace. If your run is 45 minutes at 13 km per hour, try running for half an hour, but at 15 km per hour. Over time, you will get used to this pace, and you can use it when you do not have enough time for a long workout.

Run along the beach

Nothing really to do with romantic jogging along the water's edge. All you need is sand. Running on sand is very, very difficult, and research shows that this type of workout burns 30% more calories than running on another surface. If you have a pool nearby, you can run in the water - get the same effect.

Use one of these methods to burn calories faster. In addition, each of them will add variety to your workouts if you are already tired of them. Happy runs!
