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Quokkaselfie: How to Take the World's Most Touching Selfie
Quokkaselfie: How to Take the World's Most Touching Selfie

Australian quokkas are always smiling. You, too, will always smile if you take a selfie with them at least once.

#Quokkaselfie: How To Take The Most Touching Selfie In The World
#Quokkaselfie: How To Take The Most Touching Selfie In The World

Quokka sounds like the name of a Star Wars character. It is actually a cat-sized Australian marsupial. But the Danish discoverers confused them with rats. Therefore, the island where the quokkas live was called the "rat's nest" - Rottnest.

Quokkas have nothing in common with rats. They are the cutest, friendliest and most photogenic animals on the planet. It's impossible to be unhappy if you have a selfie with a quokka! A life hacker will tell you how to take the most touching photo in the world.

Let Kwokka come to you by itself

To do this, you first need to come to the quokka yourself. Or rather, fly to Australia by plane, then take a ferry from Fremantle to Rottnest Island. Further - everything is simple. Rottnest is home to about 10 thousand quokkas. You don't even need to call them, they will come up to get acquainted. We saw a quokka - get your smartphone out!


Quokkas come out in the afternoon

These animals are usually nocturnal. But their appetite wakes up at exactly 3-5 o'clock in the afternoon. So at this time, take a selfie stick and go out in search of the quokk. Just the sun will leave the zenith and there will be no overexposure in the frame.

Just don't feed Kwokka chips

And other unhealthy food. Otherwise, ruin the quokka: her ears will fall off, her stomach will hurt and her hair will come out. Who with her, cheerful but shabby, wants to be photographed? Joking aside, excessive attention from tourists and life in cities does not benefit the diet of quokkas, which in the wild feed only on grass and leaves.

Here you can feed the quokka with them. Quokka does not care what leaves are: it draws the necessary supply of water from any greenery, and therefore can go without drinking for a long time.

Publication of Marco Man (@marcologist) Mar 1 2017 at 12:34 pm PST

Quokkas are photographed with their cubs

Both yours and yours. Their quokkas are carried in a bag on their belly for about six months, until the quokka baby gets stronger. Cubs of quokkas appear once or twice a year. So, if you want to shoot a quokka with a baby in a bag, come to the island from March to August. By the way, it is winter in Australia at this time.


Took a selfie - use the hashtag #quokkaselfie

Selfie with quokka does not need other descriptions - everything is clear. And filters are not needed either. What could be more beautiful than a smiling #nofilter quokka? Perhaps only a baby harp seal. But in Greenland, unlike Australia, it is winter all year round. Not sure if you want to go there.

If you don't need to go to Australia either

Install the Quokka Selfie app - and any selfie will have a quokka.
