Table of contents:

10 life hacks for bearded men and those who are just planning to join them
10 life hacks for bearded men and those who are just planning to join them

Find out what will help boost hair growth, why you should eat butter-side down sandwiches, and how to take selfies.

10 life hacks for bearded men and those who are just planning to join them
10 life hacks for bearded men and those who are just planning to join them

1. Be patient

You will need it. Moreover, both at the initial stage, when the bristles are just growing, and after a few months, when the beard is fully formed. If you endure the itching in the first few weeks and develop the habit of taking a few minutes every day to care for your facial hair, all the efforts will pay off with interest.

2. Lead a healthy lifestyle

Many novice bearded men run off their feet in search of oils and balms that accelerate hair growth. Unfortunately, there is no such miracle cure. Oils like burdock and castor oil do stimulate growth, but their effect is insignificant and will hardly help in cases where the beard does not grow at all.

Lifestyle has a real impact on the intensity of facial hair. To speed up beard growth, you need to increase testosterone levels through gym work or other physical activity, as well as eat well and stop smoking and alcohol.

3. Hide bald spots

Do not be discouraged if in some areas of the face the beard grows poorly or is absent altogether. Many guys have such areas, this is normal and depends on individual characteristics and heredity.

Oils and other remedies will most likely not help, but you can still fix the situation. To do this, simply grow more hair in adjacent areas and cover the bald spots with it. A lush mustache or other form of beard can also save the day.

4. Brush your beard more often

Even a short beard needs to be brushed thoroughly twice a day. This is how you train the hairs, forcing them to lie down in the right direction. In addition, brushing exfoliates dead skin flakes and improves blood circulation by stimulating hair growth.

For these purposes, it is advisable to acquire a wooden comb with small and large teeth, which is not electrified, as well as a special brush made of natural boar bristles, which prevents the formation of tangles.

5. Shave after a shower

In order not to bother with moisturizing the skin and reduce irritation, it is better to shave not before, but still after the shower. In a few minutes under running hot water, the skin of the face will be properly hydrated, the pores will open and the shaving process will pass like butter.

6. Align the contours to the template

There is nothing worse than an uneven beard with scruffy edges. If you are trimming your beard and trimming the edging yourself, do not use a regular comb, but do it with a special template comb. It will help shave off excess hairs and create perfect beard contours.

7. Buy an apron for a haircut

Another tip for those who do not go to the barbershop and prefer to take care of their beard on their own. In order not to clean up after shaving for an excruciatingly long time, use a suction apron, into which all hair will fall during a haircut. In the end, you just have to shake them off.

8. Wear dark clothing

Life hack for those with large beards. Even relatively dense vegetation will appear liquid and unkempt to the light. To avoid this, avoid light-colored clothing and try to match the color of the T-shirts to the tone of your beard. So it will look thicker and much more spectacular.

9. Flip the sandwich

The advice of the cat Matroskin is definitely worth listening to bearded men with a magnificent mustache. Eat sandwiches and other butter and sauces with the stained side down or folded in half. This keeps the mustache clean and does not have to be cleaned of food debris.

10. Take a selfie with your neck arching back

If you want the beard in the photo to look as impressive as possible, take a selfie with your neck arched back - this will make the beard visually thicker. Also, take a profile photo and half-turn to outline your cheekbones and show your beard in all its glory.
