An encyclopedia of life for 30-year-olds. What you need to know to be happy
An encyclopedia of life for 30-year-olds. What you need to know to be happy

Thirty years is an interesting and important stage in the life of every person. And how you will spend it - reaching new heights or fearing the future - depends only on you. Our simple tips will help you tune in the right mood, avoid making common mistakes and not regret later on missed opportunities.

An encyclopedia of life for 30-year-olds. What you need to know to be happy
An encyclopedia of life for 30-year-olds. What you need to know to be happy

Don't forget the advice of 40s

An amazing experiment by Mark Manson: the writer turned to 40-year-old readers of his blog for help with the question of what advice they would give to their 30-year-olds. And the advice turned out to be very valuable. As it turned out, all sorts of people would like to change the same thing: to devote more time to their health, family, financial planning. It makes you wonder: so many people cannot be wrong. And it is not without reason that the material with excerpts from these letters is one of the most popular on Lifehacker.

Although by the age of 30 most people think they should stick to the chosen path, it is never too late to start over. Over the past 10 years, I have seen people who most regretted their decision to leave things as they were, even though they thought it was wrong. These are such quick 10 years of life that turn days into weeks, weeks into years. And at 40, they found themselves in the midst of a midlife crisis, doing absolutely nothing to solve a problem that they were aware of 10 years ago. Richard 41 years old My biggest regret is what I didn't do. Sam 47 years old You have two assets that you cannot replace: your body and your mind. Most stop developing and working on themselves after twenty. Most 30-year-olds are too busy to worry about self-development. But if you are one of the few who continue to learn, develop your thinking and take care of your mental and physical health, then by the age of 40 you will be light years ahead of your peers. Stan 48 years old

More tips from 40s →

Be confident in your future

It is at the age of 30 that you need to take simple and concrete actions so that later you do not regret the wasted time and missed opportunities. And then everything will be fine at fifty.

As it turned out, in order to achieve peace of mind and well-being, you do not need to move mountains and do something supernatural. Here are some interesting tips:

  1. Stop going out in the sun without sunscreen. Tanning becomes fashionable, then vice versa. But, regardless of this, it does not cease to be harmful.
  2. Stop postponing things for the future. Do you want to build a house? Have children? Write a book? Learn to play guitar? Get another education? Change jobs? It's time to get started today.
  3. Read at least 10 books a year. Few? For a start, and this is not bad, the main thing is that the books are correct.
  4. Keep a diary. If you haven't done so before, now is the time. You already have something to remember, something to share, and you still have something to dream about.

Important things to do at 30 →

Avoid financial mistakes

There are some of the most common financial mistakes that young people make when dealing with money. Yes, now you have a steady job and a stable income. But this is not a reason to waste money, because you will surely find a more worthy use for your money, will you?

For example, instead of buying a lot of clothes for your child, who is growing by leaps and bounds, it is better to save money for his education. Or we often consider life insurance a waste, but if you have a person who is financially completely dependent on you, then you need to do it.

You need to know the enemy by sight. If you want to avoid financial mistakes, it is worth remembering the most common ones.

Set financial goals

We continue the topic of financial planning. By the age of 30, you have already formed an idea of how to make money and how to spend money. But all the same, I want to increase my capital and dispose of it thoughtfully. If this is about you, set financial goals and achieve them. If you do not know how to improve your financial situation, we will show you. Here are a few goals for 30-year-olds to strive for.

  1. Financial independence from parents. Parents will always think of you as a child, but you need to remind yourself and them that you are an adult and can provide for yourself.
  2. No debt. Live according to your ability and if you cannot afford to buy something, do not seek to borrow money for it. Debt destroys not only financial stability, but also relationships.
  3. Getting rid of outstanding loans. And again, our desire to have as many things as possible throws us into a financial hole. Debts on loans can negatively affect not only your credit history, but also your financial well-being.

30 financial goals →

Don't lose hope of success

Not everyone is lucky enough to make a fortune in 20 years. But the example of 20-year-old Zuckerberg is not a reason to get upset and give in to stress. You already have serious experience behind you, and you have something to oppose to arrogant youths.

Inspirational Success Cases After 30s →

Realize that you have already achieved success

We often forget that success doesn't have to be measured in money. Perhaps you have already reached great heights in life, but for some reason do not notice it. You just need to stop and measure your progress. Here is another list, it will help you audit your own life and understand that many may envy you.

  1. Your family relationships are much calmer than before.
  2. You don't have as much money as you would like, but you live a busy life.
  3. You are not afraid to ask for help or support.
  4. You are returning home with great pleasure.

25 signs that you are successful →

Don't waste your life

Not all dreams are destined to come true. Especially if you veered off your path and began to devote too much of your time and energy to things that don't deserve it. It's time to break this vicious circle. You need to figure out what you are doing wrong and change your behavior. How do you know that you are wasting your life?

  1. You spend too much time doing things that you shouldn't be doing.
  2. You are complaining too much.
  3. You are not feeding your brain.
  4. You have too many negative self-talk.
  5. You don't feel inspired.

Understand if you are wasting your life →

Take care of your physical condition

Nobody needs to be told how important it is to take care of your health. But it's so easy to abandon your body behind the daily hustle and bustle. There seems to be nothing wrong with moving away from a healthy lifestyle. But you are still 30 years old. If you look into the future, you can really be afraid for yourself.

Fifty years. Another plus 10 kg. The pressure keeps getting higher, and there are more pills on the bedside table. To maintain blood pressure at a normal level, you have to take up to 5-8 different drugs per day. Hiking without pain in the heart is getting shorter and shorter. Your knees hurt and crunch more and more, and now you can no longer get out of the chair without helping yourself with your hands, and in the morning you have a whole ritual of crawling out of bed so as not to exacerbate pain in your back, knees and cause sudden dizziness.

The future of the typical 30-year-old fat man →

Have fun with life

Thirty years is an amazing time! In order for you to be able to welcome this new stage of life with open arms, we offer 10 tips that will tell you what needs to be changed at 30 years old. And to feel better (physically and mentally), and to lay a solid foundation for success.

  1. Start loving yourself more.
  2. Take care of your personal life.
  3. Find a job that you really enjoy.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  5. Be happy with what you have.
  6. Forgive your mistakes.
  7. Start exercising regularly.
  8. Call your parents often.
  9. Proper nutrition comes first.
  10. Continue to enjoy life.

10 life changes that should happen to you at 30 →
