Simple efforts that will change your life for the better
Simple efforts that will change your life for the better

The road will be mastered by the walking one. And no matter how long the distance may seem, every small step brings you closer to the goal. We invite you to learn about 17 simple steps to help you lose weight, become more effective, improve your health and strengthen your spirit. The main thing is that you do not have to overextend yourself, because all the tips are easy to follow.

Simple efforts that will change your life for the better
Simple efforts that will change your life for the better

It is extremely important to set yourself global goals and make workable plans for them, the implementation of which can take months, years and decades from you. But take a look at those small changes in your life that will take you much less time, but will have a powerful effect.

Place a bowl of fruit

A study by Professor Brian Wansink of Cornell University (USA) showed that having a vase filled with fruit in your home has a positive effect on weight loss. Place it in the middle of your home's most well-trodden path - the path to the refrigerator - and overcome the temptation to gorge on whatever comes to hand with a healthy snack.

A bowl of fruit in the kitchen is a great way to lose a few pounds
A bowl of fruit in the kitchen is a great way to lose a few pounds

The data suggests that in this situation, you have a chance to weigh 3.5 kg less compared to if you did not have apples, avocados or other healthy fruits on hand.

Have breakfast

It is a mistake to believe that skipping breakfast leads to the consumption of fewer calories, and, accordingly, to weight loss. Foreign scientists say that those who do not skip breakfast weigh less than people who do not eat in the morning. Of course, it must be borne in mind that breakfast is different for breakfast. Don't know what healthy food to cook? Explore our infographic on the healthiest breakfasts around the world.

Don't ignore the ability to move

According to office workers, they are so busy with their job duties that they do not have time to get up from their chairs, shake off the settled dust and take a couple of dozen steps. By no means, gentlemen, this is just your lies. Under any circumstances, you still have to be distracted by phone calls and wait for your turn in the microwave. Why not do a few body movements at this time? Take an example from top managers, for example the president of Kyivstar, who moves around the office even during meetings.

By the way, brushing your teeth shouldn't be static either. Taking steps at every opportunity, you will be covering a very decent number of kilometers each month, not to mention the annual period.

Make a plan for tomorrow

As a rule, your efficiency has the greatest potential in the first hours of the working day. But you will not achieve performance records if you do not have a verified action plan in front of your eyes. Don't waste precious time planning your morning routine! Better to set aside the end of the previous working day for this. In addition to saving golden minutes, you will definitely not lose sight of what was left unfinished the day before.

Think Wednesday weekend

Expectation of an interesting event often becomes a piece of happiness in itself. So a good rule of thumb is to plan your Wednesday night weekend getaway. This could be ordering tickets for a concert or calling a friend with an offer. Just a couple of minutes will have a beneficial effect on the remaining workdays. Pleasant sensations will accompany you, as if the weekend and related events have already happened. On top of that, pre-preparation will keep your plans from falling apart, as if you started doing them on Friday night.

Soften your Monday

Morning is never good. Monday morning is doubly scary. Thoughts about the worthlessness of existence do not affect this very "existence" in the best way. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance that the trip to work does not turn into a torture chamber for your brain. Download an interesting podcast or energizing track on Sunday evening to make the road much more rosy. Ideally, this should be done every evening, but at the beginning of the week, definitely without gaps.

Break out into the street

Do not turn into ghouls that appear on the street only at night. Daytime "escapes" from confined spaces improve mood and increase concentration. Subscribe to the order to take the documents to the post office, keep a company with a colleague on a coffee trip and do not spend lunch on the same computer. Remember: unlike evil spirits, sunlight is good for you for your spiritual and physical health.

Take care of the plant

Try to carve out a small space for the plant among the scattering of stationery on your desk. Scientific research has proven more than once that the presence of greenery in the work environment stimulates attention, increases productivity, increases psychological stability and simply pleases the eye with a beautiful picture. Frequent weeding, fertilizing and watering is a delusional excuse that has nothing to do with reality.

Limit your TV friendship

Even in the Internet age, television remains the primary source of news and entertainment for billions of people around the world. It makes no sense to recommend to everyone and everyone just like that to take and break the close connection with the blue screen. But the endless flipping of channels with nothing to do looks no less senseless.

Scheduling TV viewing will reduce dependence on TV
Scheduling TV viewing will reduce dependence on TV

Try to change the way you watch TV. For example, write down on paper (underline in the TV program) everything that you plan to watch. Firstly, contemplating the list will make it clear if you are overdoing it, and secondly, you will get rid of the constant jumping back and forth on the TV grid.

Set an alarm to fall asleep

We will not once again grind the topic of the importance of good rest in the form of sleep for human health. Each of you roughly knows your rate, after which he feels sleepy. But not everyone succeeds in observing it. Therefore, we suggest that you pick up a good old alarm clock and set it not for the time of waking up, but half an hour before you should fall asleep. When you hear the signal, you will know that you have 30 minutes left for everything about everything. This good habit will allow you to get up without problems and not feel like a washcloth every morning.

Get smart with the alarm

The first step is to move your alarm clock away from your bed. With this warning step, you will deny yourself the ability to easily postpone the call for ten minutes. You will have to make a physical effort to get out of bed to turn off tililimming. By the way, all kinds of alarm clocks for smartphones can also make you tense, but we recommend using the mechanical version or the simpler electronic one. Why? To save yourself the temptation to check your email as soon as you open your eyes.

Come up with an inspiring password

Usually, each of you has to enter a password several times a day: mail, social networks, corporate environment. And it would be nice for this case to come up with a positive password that will remind you of the pleasant side of life. But don't use light words like "happiness" as your password. Or at least modify it to a more difficult level of hacking "happiness3".

Send emails profitably

Every day you send dozens (if not hundreds) of messages to a limited number of people. Get in the habit of sending one letter to someone you haven't contacted for a long time. It can be a school friend, childhood friend, former colleague, but you never know who else! And there is no need to look for a reason - it is enough to ask about the state of affairs. The chances are that the reply letter will evoke pleasant emotions in you or have some other positive effect.

Save up change and help those in need

I came home, jumped, took out the surplus of tinkling little things from my pockets and put them in a piggy bank. Approximately such a daily ritual will practically not affect your financial well-being, but it will help you accumulate a completely normal amount in six months. Money can and should be sent to charity, but you should not fall for the tricks of scammers. You can also involve your children in accumulation. By the way, they will also help to determine the future recipient of the collected money.

Don't waste your time

Endless traffic jams and incessant queues turn people into idle idols. Is it really more useful to find out the defects of plasterers on the walls than calling your parents? No! And here are 15 more ways to spend 5 minutes profitably.


You probably brush your teeth twice a day. Perhaps you even try to make each approach last not 30 seconds, but a couple of minutes. Commendable. But in order for your next visit to the dentist to become only a preventive one, it would be nice to remember about the existence of dental floss after every meal.

The habit of using dental floss will help you visit the dentist less often
The habit of using dental floss will help you visit the dentist less often

Probably, this inexpensive item will allow you to keep your teeth healthy and at the same time save a decent amount of never extra money.

Stick to your chosen strategy

A single application of the above tips will only have an episodic effect. To get a full return, you need to become more demanding of yourself. And reporting will help with this. Try to report to yourself on Friday about the plans that you managed to implement. Achievement of the set goals can be accompanied by some kind of encouragement. The point boils down to the fact that under the "burden" of the upcoming report, it will be easier for you to repeat the actions, which will ultimately lead to the development of a habit. And it won't be so easy to get rid of it.
