Table of contents:

How to care for different varieties of orchids
How to care for different varieties of orchids

Caring for orchids is easier than it seems: it is enough to create comfortable conditions for them and ensure timely watering, feeding and transplanting. Then the plants will delight you for more than one year.

How to care for different varieties of orchids
How to care for different varieties of orchids

General rules for the care of orchids

What to grow an orchid

The roots of an orchid need air, a dense soil for it is certain death. So usually an orchid grows in a breathable substrate or not at all. Wood bark is most often used as a substrate; moss or charcoal can be added to it.

It is better to buy the substrate in specialized stores: if you cook it incorrectly, it can harm the plant.

The most convenient way to grow an orchid is in a transparent pot. This makes it easier to control the moisture level and monitor the condition of the roots. Additional holes can also be made in the pot for better air circulation.

How often to water and fertilize an orchid

In the case of an orchid, it is better to underfill than to overfill: the plant does not tolerate swampy soil. Therefore, you need to water the flower every 5–12 days (more often in summer, less often in winter).

The easiest way to determine the moisture content is by sticking your finger in the pot: if the substrate is wet, it means that the watering time has not come yet. Condensation on the transparent walls of the pot also indicates a sufficient level of humidity.

From time to time, you can spray the orchid leaves with water and wipe them dry with a cotton swab. This will help remove dust from the plant.

The orchid needs to be fed once a month with special fertilizers for this plant. Typically, they are mixed with water and introduced when watering.

In what conditions do you need to keep an orchid

Most orchids love warmth and light. Many varieties feel comfortable at 18-28 degrees and natural light on the east or west side of the house. However, the orchid needs to be protected from direct sunlight, especially in summer. Therefore, growing it on an unshaded southern windowsill is a bad idea.

Also, most varieties do not tolerate dry air. Therefore, it is better to place the orchid next to a humidifier or place it on a stone or other elevation in a pan with water so that the pot does not touch the liquid.

How often to prune and replant an orchid

Most varieties can be cut off after flowering. It is also worth removing dead roots during transplantation.

Orchids are usually transplanted every two years or when the roots of the plant no longer fit in the pot. It is better to transplant in a dry state: from a dry substrate to a dry one.

Caring for popular varieties of orchids


How to care for Phalaenopsis orchids
How to care for Phalaenopsis orchids

This variety is quite unpretentious, it can withstand different levels of illumination and temperatures: from 12 to 28 degrees, although about 20-25 degrees are optimal for it.

Watering phalaenopsis is necessary after the soil dries, that is, about once a week. The best method is immersion: the pot is immersed in a container of water at room temperature for a few minutes. During the flowering period, you can water through a watering can, so as not to create additional stress for the orchid.

You need to feed the plant during the flowering and growth period. When phalaenopsis is resting (that is, it does not bloom and does not grow), it may not be fertilized at all.


How to care for orchids
How to care for orchids

This variety is very photophilous, therefore it is better to grow it in the east or even southeast, while not forgetting to protect it from direct rays. The ideal temperature for Cattleya is 18-22 degrees.

The orchid substrate should dry out, so the average watering interval is 7 days. Better to water the cattleya on top and let the water drain. You need to feed the orchid during the growth period.

After flowering, the peduncle of the Cattleya can not be cut off: a new shoot will form in its place.


How to care for Dendrobium orchids
How to care for Dendrobium orchids

Like Cattleya, dendrobium loves light and a comfortable room temperature.

The average watering interval is 7 days. It is better to water from above and at the same time it is necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot: the roots of the plant are very sensitive. During the rest period (usually in winter), watering should be reduced or stopped altogether.

This orchid should be fed once a month, reducing the amount of fertilizer in the winter.


How to care for Paphiopedilum orchids
How to care for Paphiopedilum orchids

This variety is also called the lady's slipper. It tolerates shade well, although it is still better to keep it on the windowsill. The ideal temperature for papiopedilum is 20-22 degrees.

This orchid, like the previous one, does not tolerate excess moisture in the pot, so it needs to provide good drainage. You can water from above once a week, in summer a little more often.

The plant should be fed every two to three weeks, it is better to use the foliar method: spray a small amount of fertilizer onto the leaves from a spray bottle, but so that no drops form on the surface.

Each stem of papiopedilum blooms only once, and then dies off. Therefore, the old stems should be cut as close to the base as possible.


How to care for Wanda orchids
How to care for Wanda orchids

In a natural environment, wanda roots hang in the air, so it does not need a substrate and can be kept in an ordinary vase. This orchid thrives at temperatures of 18-28 degrees and loves light, although it does not tolerate direct sunlight. In winter, she may need artificial lighting.

Water the vanda once or twice a week. This is done as follows: the vase in which it is contained is filled with water and left for 20 minutes, then the water is drained. In this case, moisture should be avoided on the stems and leaves of the plant.

It is necessary to feed the orchid during the period of active growth by adding fertilizer to the water (no more than once for three waterings).

As you can see, orchids do not require any super complicated care. But if you want to spend a minimum of effort, take a closer look at more unpretentious plants. They will also help create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.
