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How to achieve success in life: tips for graduates
How to achieve success in life: tips for graduates

Essential life tips from Mediakix founder Evan Asano for young people just graduating from college.

How to achieve success in life: tips for graduates
How to achieve success in life: tips for graduates

What advice would you give a hypothetical 22-year-old college graduate about what he should do in his life? This question originally popped up on Quora, a social knowledge sharing service. The best response was given by Evan Asano, founder and CEO of one of the leading marketing agencies, Medakix. And this is what advice he gives to young people.

1. Read

Read voraciously! Everything that falls into the hands. Join the book lovers club. Absorb books on self-development, communication, success, leadership and business, books on marketing and sales. In life, you have a lot to regret. But you will never regret the time spent reading books. Use Quora and the various blogs to choose what to read. You can also search for top-rated books in different categories on Amazon.

2. Take uncertainty for granted

This advice is given by Deepak Chopra in his famous book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. The world is full of uncertainty. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you can make this uncertainty work for you.

3. Agree

With everything and everyone. Stop arguing, proving something to someone, trying to control everything that happens to you, and make a better impression. It won't help you influence other people's opinions. Over time, no one will remember that you were right. Try to come to an agreement. Harmony is important in life, work and communication with people.

4. Be curious

We live in a beautiful, vast world full of mysteries and wonders. Encourage your curiosity and curiosity. They can lead you to amazing discoveries.

5. Be open to new things

Your opinion about many things will change significantly. Even your hardest beliefs can be reversed over the years. Don't let them stop you from meeting new people and experiencing new sensations.

6. Learn from communication with ill-wishers

Now it’s hard for you to even imagine what kind of hostility you’ll face. You will need to choose how to perceive them. The intrigues of ill-wishers can become an obstacle for you on the way to achieving your goal, and can turn into a source of useful experience. Choose the latter, even if it won't be easy. You will be surprised what positive changes this will bring to your life.

7. Believe in yourself

Research has shown that when we believe we have certain capabilities that have hard limits, we avoid complexity and lose interest in challenging tasks. On the contrary, if we are confident that any skill can be developed, we are ready to persevere in our goals. Therefore, believe in your capabilities and work on yourself.

8. Leave your comfort zone

This is a hackneyed phrase, but its meaning is still relevant. Unless you challenge yourself and go beyond the familiar, you will never know what you are capable of.

9. Don't dwell on the negative

Resentment, anger, pressure from someone else's opinion … Just take it and throw it all away, you don't need it.

10. Travel

Don't sit within four walls. Start exploring this world. You will never regret this either. Take a vacation and go where you never thought of going. Save money for a year and then go somewhere for a few months. Just do it.

11. Don't wait for the right moment

Most of the time, when you wait for the right moment, it comes too late. The winners are those who are not afraid to make decisions and act. You may regret some of the phrases you say. But you will regret the fact that you were silent much more.

12. Don't chase the ideal

Everyone is surprised how Jobs and Wozniak found each other, because their partnership was perfect. You might think that such fateful meetings happen once in a million years. But the matter is not at all a coincidence. They themselves made their partnership perfect by working together and constantly pushing each other to develop. So, the result of their joint efforts was Apple.

You can set long-range goals for yourself, dream of working at Google, or move to San Francisco, but don't dwell on the dreams themselves. Focus on the means to your goal.

13. Do something useful for other people

Many people strive to make more money and achieve success. This is really important. But money and success shouldn't be your only goal. The people who turned the world upside down were not chasing profit. They wanted to bring something new to this world. Take Facebook, for example. Initially, Mark Zuckerberg created a social network for communication between students at Harvard University. Now it is used by more than one and a half billion people.

Think about what good things you can do for your friends and family, colleagues, the company you work for, the country you live in. Think about how you can change this world.
