How I kept a diary and why you need to do it
How I kept a diary and why you need to do it

The personal diary was created not only for little girls. Brutal bearded men can also keep a diary. This habit will give you too much to neglect. Below I will tell you how the diary helped me and why you should keep it too.

How I kept a diary and why you need to do it
How I kept a diary and why you need to do it

Cinema allows us to live the lives of other people for a few hours. That's why we love him. But there are things that the cinema trivializes, giving the false impression that they are absurd, stupid and do not deserve our attention. One of these things is a personal diary.

I always thought that a personal diary is a pink padlock, in which girls write about broken hearts, incomprehensible parents and first impressions of life. In moments of inactivity, such a diary is moved deep into the bedside table or under the pillow so that no one has access to it. After all, this diary is your life. Your emotions.

But the movie is wrong.

A diary is what you need to think about right now. This is your window to the world of memories. To a world that cannot be trusted only by the brain.

I was first inspired by the concept of a personal diary after reading this article. But, as often happens, I got inspired and forgot. Then after a while I stumbled upon it again and decided to try it anyway. But instead of the Day One application, which was used by Slava Baransky, the chief editor of Lifehacker, I decided to use Evernote, which I love and hate with all my heart.

Screenshot 2015-01-06 at 22.56.06
Screenshot 2015-01-06 at 22.56.06

I created a notebook "Dear Diary" and began to write. Irregularly. More often I wrote, being impressed by something, when events inspired me and I knew that I wanted to remember them or analyze them. It so happened that it is easier for me to analyze when I write down thoughts, and not keep them in my head.

The diary helps to look into the past. You can open your recording that you made a few years ago and laugh at yourself. Or cry. Remember the emotions that overwhelmed you at that time, and what events caused them.

Keeping a diary is not difficult. On the contrary, once started, it is very difficult to come off. When you start writing down the first thought, the second is followed, followed by the third.

Giving advice on journaling is difficult. This is a very personal and creative endeavor. But you can still recommend something:

  1. Do not be shy. You write for yourself and no one will read your mind unless you want to. The key to keeping a journal is to be honest. Don't be afraid to express your emotions. If you are a brutal bearded man, don't be afraid to be a whiny girl. This is your diary, and you can write whatever you want in it.
  2. Hammer on regularity. Write when you have something to say. By writing a couple of lines at the same time every day, you run the risk of making journaling a chore. If you feel like taking long breaks, take them.
  3. The shape doesn't matter. Want to keep a paper diary because you like to hold a physical item in your hands? Please. But what if you're a more down-to-earth person and want to use Evernote, Day One, or something else? Not a problem. There is no right or wrong choice here.
  4. Write about everything. Don't make your diary a mirror only of the good or bad events in your life. Write everything that you remember. If something good has happened, you can remind yourself of it over time; if it's bad, you can throw out the accumulated negative emotions.
  5. The negative is also important. Again, don't make the diary a mirror of good events. Write about the bad. Have you heard the phrase "Share, it will become easier"? Everything is true, only in this case you share with an inanimate object. But it still helps.

Keep a diary. Do you like reading stories? But what if after a while you can read your life story?
