What to do in the morning to be more effective all day
What to do in the morning to be more effective all day

Are you spending your morning efficiently? If not, then maybe you should reconsider your habits, because the morning sets the tone for the next day.

What to do in the morning to be more effective all day
What to do in the morning to be more effective all day

For many, morning is a time that the body experiences painfully, hoping to wake up as soon as possible. And when planning our day, we often forget about those few hours in the morning, which can also be used with benefit.

The average human life expectancy is about 70 years. Add another 5-10 years (after all, we eat right and read Lifehacker) and we get 75 years. Multiplying this number by 365, we get roughly 20,000 - the number of morning hours we often waste.

I hope you are thinking about how to fix this. And there is a solution. Of course, you can drink coffee in the morning, get up an hour earlier, but you know all this without us, and we will try to think of more interesting tips to make your morning and day more effective.

Manage Energy, Not Time

If you feel like your brain works best in the morning, why not devote that time to the tasks that need the most powerful brainstorming?

For example, I try to write articles in the morning, because this is when I feel a rise in creativity. Messages, emails and phone calls I spend time at lunchtime because they do not require a lot of brain activity. And in the evening I try to go to the gym and play sports, thus distributing all my worries from the most exhausting (from a mental point of view) to the simplest.

What to do in the morning to be more effective all day
What to do in the morning to be more effective all day

Prepare in advance

If you know you are going to have a tough day tomorrow, take the time to spend 15-20 minutes making a list of tasks and small notes for the next day. You can do this before bed, but remember that some things are better.

Don't open mail until noon

Sounds simple. But who does it? No one. Learning to forget about mail before noon is time consuming, but worth it. Understand that all emails, with rare exceptions, can wait several hours. No one will write you a letter when they are in danger or have a life and death cause. So, leave your mail alone and don't worry about it until the day comes. Make the most of your morning tasks.

Turn off your phone or leave it in another room

Or on the next table. Or in another universe. Anywhere, just not near when you work. This will keep you from being distracted by Facebook, Twitter and other anti-work stuff. As soon as you do this, you will immediately see an increase in efficiency in your work. You will also see fewer news and tweets though. It's up to you to decide which is more important.

Work in a cool place

Can you concentrate on something on a hot day or in a stuffy office? Unlikely, so keep your workplace cool. This will help you concentrate more easily and sweat less. Or do you like to sweat?

Do physical exercises

It doesn't have to be a complex set of exercises. The fact is that, for life and for work in particular, the brain needs oxygen. But when you sit in one position for a long time, the chest contracts, and the diaphragm begins to press on the lungs. This makes breathing difficult and decreases the amount of oxygen entering the brain.

Even the fact that you just get up and walk will have a beneficial effect on the body and, as a result, on the efficiency of work.

What to do in the morning to be more effective all day
What to do in the morning to be more effective all day

A little tip: Place a cushion between your lower back and the back of the chair. It will support your back and prevent it from rounding.

Don't neglect your food

As you know, the more often you eat, the better. Therefore, do not forget about breakfast, lunch and small snacks. The 15 minutes of time you spend eating will more than pay off in health and wellness.

Create your own ritual

For me, this is a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. For some, it can be 10 minutes of meditation or a morning conversation with a loved one. Just add a little ritual to your life that will signal to your brain that now is the time to get into work mode and start completing tasks.

The power of the morning routine

As a rule, few people achieve success in one day. Just as few people ruin their lives in one day. Both in the first and in the second case, the main thing is repetitive actions. It doesn't matter good or bad. Most ineffective behaviors come from bad habits. An hour of wasted time on Facebook is here. Unproductive morning there. Etc.

Let's take, for example. Every morning he woke up at four in the morning and worked in the gym for an hour and a half. After that, he swam or ran for half an hour. For over 60 years he did the same thing every morning. Being one of the most influential people in fitness suggests that Lalane knew what he was doing. In addition, he lived for 96 years.

This is not a coincidence. What you do each morning is an indicator of how you will spend the next day. These are the choices we make every day that shape the way we live. You have 20,000 morning hours. What are you going to do with each of them?
