How to write exciting scripts and make interesting presentations? Key Messages from Annette Simmons' Storytelling
How to write exciting scripts and make interesting presentations? Key Messages from Annette Simmons' Storytelling

We've read Annette Simmons' Storytelling book and here are some of the most helpful tips on how to prepare for your performance perfectly. This material will generally change your attitude towards the style of such presentations.

How to write exciting scripts and make interesting presentations? Key Messages from Annette Simmons' Storytelling
How to write exciting scripts and make interesting presentations? Key Messages from Annette Simmons' Storytelling

In a few weeks I will have a public performance at one of the city's art venues. This time, I decided to prepare for the presentation properly - write a good script, rehearse my speech and generally make my presentation interesting and exciting. Just the other day I read Annette Simmons' book Storytelling and I want to share with you the best excerpts from it.

Telling a good story is the same as having seen a documentary and telling about it so that others, those who have not seen it, have a complete picture of it.

  • People don't need new information. They are fed up with her. Them needs faith- belief in you, in your goals, in your success. Faith - not facts - moves mountains.
  • Give people the opportunity to understand who you are, help them feel like they know you and their trust in you will automatically triple.
  • Even if your listeners come to the conclusion that you are trustworthy, they still need to understand whyyou needed their assistance and cooperation.
  • If you want to influence others and seriously captivate them with you, you must tell them vision storythat will become their temple.
  • Your truth, dressed in a beautiful story, makes people open their souls to her and accept her with all their hearts.
  • People don't care how deep your knowledge is, they care how deep you are. you perceive their problems.

A story told to a place and in time is the most unobtrusive way to make the listener repeat your message to himself at the right time and be guided by the idea inherent in the story.

  • Personal historyis doubly useful, since it can add volume to both the speaker and what he intends to present.
  • If you feel that the direct answer to the question posed will drive you into a corner, then resort to history.
  • We don't need new facts. We need to know what they mean. US need a storythat would explain to us what all this information means to us and what place we occupy in its flow.
  • In order to influence people, you cannot convince them that they are wrong.
  • Always attentive listen to storiesthat people will tell you. You cannot predict what this story will teach you and how much it will bring you closer.

Storytelling by Annette Simmons
