10 original ways to use bananas
10 original ways to use bananas
10 creative ways to use bananas
10 creative ways to use bananas

Bananas. These fruits can be found in almost every kitchen, almost always. Although they disappear from this kitchen instantly:) Probably it is difficult to find such a person who would never taste this delicacy in his life and would not be familiar with it.

Bananas are both delicious and healthy. They have a pleasant sweetish taste, go well with various dishes, especially with desserts, serve as an excellent substitute for butter for baking and are even suitable for baby food.

But bananas can also be used for a wide variety of tasks throughout the home. In this article, you will learn 10 very original ways to use them.

1. Polishing leather shoes and silverware

If at the most inopportune moment you suddenly find that your shoe polish has run out, don't panic. The banana peel will save you. Remove the fibers from the inside of the leather and wipe the entire surface of the shoe with it. Then buff with a soft cloth or paper towel. The same technique can be used to polish silverware. Banana peel can even enhance the look of leather furniture. But first, check its effect on a small area of the upholstery.

2. Banana face masks

A banana face mask will help you quickly moisturize dry skin, give it freshness and radiance. It gently cleanses and soothes irritated skin, making it soft and velvety. The banana mask recipe is simple. You will need: One ripe banana, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of cream, and 1 teaspoon of olive oil (or honey). Mix everything well until smooth and apply on a clean face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and pat dry with a towel. You will never need Botox with this mask!

Personally, I liked another curious banana mask - for whitening the skin from redness after acne. Mix one banana and one teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture should be applied to problem areas of the facial skin for 10-20 minutes, then rinsed with water. 4 days and any visible signs of acne will go away.

3. Teeth whitening

Oddly enough, bananas can help get rid of yellowish plaque on the teeth. Rub your teeth daily with banana peel in circular motions for at least 2-3 minutes. After a few weeks, you will see the results: your teeth will become whiter.

4. Remedy for warts

White vinegar and special creams are effective treatments for warts. But when they are not at hand, a banana will help. Crush some of the pulp and apply the puréed mixture to the affected area. If the banana has already been eaten, you can use its peel: rub the skin with the inside of the peel. The fruit has a high potassium content, which allows you to effectively but painlessly remove warts.

5. Caring for indoor plants

The appearance of indoor plants, which has not been touched by a human hand for a long time, can be refreshed again with the help of a banana peel. Wipe the leaves of the plant with its inner side. And do not spray them with water - this will make the dirt even more. Remove any impurities from the leaves with banana peels and your plants will look fresh and well-groomed again.

6. Getting rid of garden aphids

Are there aphids in your garden and are devouring your favorite roses? Dig the crushed banana skins into the soil a couple of centimeters around the plant. Soon you will be able to say goodbye to annoying aphids. Helpful Hint: Do not use the whole fruit or skin, or it may attract some animals.

7. Attracting bees and butterflies to the garden

Do you want to attract more bees and butterflies to your garden to pollinate your plants? Place the overripe bananas, after making small holes in them, at some elevation from the ground, about slightly above head level. Insects will gladly flock to your garden for such a treat. The main thing is not to overdo it.

8. Remedy for burns, bruises and splinters

For burns or bruises, apply the inner surface of the banana peel to the affected area of the skin. Banana peel oil can help relieve pain. A banana compress helps with calluses as well as a deep-seated splinter.

9. Tenderness of lean meat

To make the meat soft and juicy, wrap the banana peel over the meat before baking, securing it with thread. Special enzymes will soften tough meat. You might as well add a banana or banana skin while frying. So they will give the meat not only softness, but also a little sweetness.

10. As a painting canvas

When there is absolutely nothing to do, you can practice drawing on a banana, like the Australian did.

10 creative ways to use bananas
10 creative ways to use bananas

A toothpick is used instead of a brush. The image is scratched into her banana peel. The harder you press, the darker the line will be. After 5 minutes, you can see what happened. The resulting drawings are stylized as old photographs.
