The 10 best TED videos to take you to life in a new way
The 10 best TED videos to take you to life in a new way

TED presentations are an opportunity to learn in a way that will not soon begin to teach us in schools and universities: interesting, concise and practical. We have selected the 10 best presentations of all time and we want to share them with you.

The 10 best TED videos to take you to life in a new way
The 10 best TED videos to take you to life in a new way

TED speaking is the next step in our education. This is the kind of learning that is interesting, useful and practical. There is a wealth of useful information to be gleaned from the 15-minute video. And, of course, there will be no big sense from the fact that you just listen to this video and do nothing. It is necessary to apply the knowledge gained in life. I watched dozens of TED videos and decided to make a list of the talks that I remember the most.

Sir Ken Robinson on why schools kill creativity

I think this was the first video I watched at TED. Ken Robinson is a born speaker. He brought out his topic wonderfully, proving that schools in their current sense kill creativity in children. I think that. By the way, this is the most watched and watched video in the entire history of TED.

Susan Kane on the power of introverts

Find out if you are an introvert or not. It's more important to realize that being an introvert isn't a bad thing at all. We used to think that extroverts are the ones who rule this world. People who know how to negotiate with other people communicate a lot and know how to make connections. But introverts have their own advantages too, which Susan Kane will talk about in this video.

Michael Stevens on why we ask questions

Michael Stevens is the creator of the YouTube channel. On his channel, he answers unusual and interesting questions, the answers to which we could hardly find on our own. For example, what would happen if everyone on Earth jumped at the same time? Or how does it feel to travel in a black hole? I highly recommend subscribing to his channel. In his talk, Stephen talked about the importance of being curious and why we should never stop asking questions.

Tony Robbins on why we do what we do

The incredibly charismatic Tony Robbins talks about why it is so important to do what we love, and how to build your life on it.

Amy Cuddy on the power of body language

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist. In her presentation, she gave a lot of interesting and useful facts about body language. For example, a confident posture affects the release of testosterone and cortisol and makes us more confident, even if you were previously embarrassed. According to Cuddy, body language is what we first pay attention to when communicating with a person without even noticing it.

Steve Jobs on how to live your life in order not to regret in old age

Steve Jobs's speech to Stanford alumni was sorted into dozens of quotes. Jobs talked about how important it is to live, not just exist. He backed it up with three stories from his life that prove that you need to follow your dreams and not miss out on opportunities.

Elon Musk on how Tesla, Space X and SolarCity were created

Elon Musk can be considered one of the greatest innovators of our time. He popularized electric cars, created a solar-powered power plant, and SpaceX, which makes shuttles that conquer the vastness of space. We have material about, but I advise you to watch his presentation, where he himself talks about his achievements.

Dan Gilbert on Science Happiness

We used to think that happiness is something that cannot be felt or explained. But we are wrong. Happiness can be explained in terms of science, and Gilbert will do this in his talk. It's an exciting journey for the reasons that actually make us happy.

Bran Brown on the power of vulnerability

Bran Brown has studied human relations for a long time. Our ability to empathize, to love and the need of each person to be loved. In her short and fun talk, she talks about why we are afraid to appear vulnerable and what to do about it.

Chris Lonsdale on How to Learn Any Language in Six Months

Learning a new language from scratch is a very long and difficult task. Or not? Chris Lonsdale has developed a method by which everyone can learn any language in just six months. In his presentation, he talks in detail about what will be required of you in the process.

TED is watched by millions of people around the world, and the 10 presentations above are just part of a huge whole. Tell us about your favorite presentations and why you will remember them!
