Change your life in 2 weeks: 14 simple things that will make you happier
Change your life in 2 weeks: 14 simple things that will make you happier

This article was written for those who want to change their lives, but still in no way. It outlines a pretty good and detailed plan that is easy to follow.

Change your life in 2 weeks: 14 simple things that will make you happier
Change your life in 2 weeks: 14 simple things that will make you happier

Have you noticed that your diets or attempts to change in a short time do not last long? And you go back to the old very quickly. This is because we are creatures of habit. And to make lasting and positive changes in our lives, we must work to improve our habits. One by one. Achieving a healthy and happy life doesn't have to be some kind of torment for you that overwhelms what you do and what you enjoy. You don't need to change very dramatically. You need to do everything gradually.

Day after day, habit after habit.

We've designed a two-week course for you to help you change your life. Some tasks may seem very simple to you, others more difficult. And that's okay. The next two weeks are just for you. Start on the first day and stay on the first day for as long as you see fit. You need to make this exercise your habit. We would be interested to hear that your life has changed. Has changed in a positive direction.

Day 1. Drink plenty of water

Our body needs water to function properly. And we cannot accumulate water like camels. We need to drink it every day. Water is essential for most of our body's functions. An adult needs to drink at least 2 liters of clean water daily. But this does not mean that this number is universal for everyone. If, after drinking 2 liters, you still feel thirsty, drink more. If you feel like 2 liters is a lot for you, drink a little less. You just need to listen to your body.

Day 2. Think about what you drink

Now that you've increased your water intake, it's a little easier to do this. The next time you start drinking something, I want you to ask yourself if this drink is good for me. Sugary drinks are high in calories but lack other beneficial nutrients. And regular consumption of sugary drinks can lead to weight gain, obesity, and decreased strength of bones and teeth.

Try drinking water or green tea instead of sugary drinks. Green tea can protect you from heart disease, and coffee (when consumed in moderation) can help protect against type 2 diabetes.

Day 3. Eat mindfully

Now is the time to stop eating on the run, in the car, watching TV and not paying attention to what you actually put in your mouth. Now I want you to remember what you eat. Ask yourself if your body is getting the nutrients it needs with this meal. Also, start practicing the following: eat only when you are hungry, and stop eating when you are full.

Digestion starts in the mouth, so chew what you eat more thoroughly. The correct amount is approximately 20 times before swallowing. Then you will really enjoy eating, and your stomach and intestines will be grateful to you a little later.

Day 4. Get enough sleep

We all know how important it is to get enough sleep and how we feel if we don't get enough sleep. Research shows that the ideal time to sleep is seven hours a night. Although some people may need a little more.

Again, you need to listen to your body and take note of the amount of sleep that works best for you. Then, when you've figured out your ideal amount of sleep, stick to it and resist the temptation to sleep longer.

Day 5. Stop buying junk food

It is very difficult to pass by your favorite fast food and not be tempted to buy it, when here it is, next to it, just stretch out your hand. "Just a couple of croutons won't hurt, after all." And then you gobbled up the whole bag of chips, the whole pack of croutons, a bar of chocolate, and half a pack of ice cream. Yes, it was delicious. But consuming these foods on a regular basis does not help your healthy diet.

You need to resist the temptation to stop buying this type of food. Get rid of everything fatty, sweet and salty. Clean out your refrigerator of this rubbish and do not even approach the shelf with such food in stores.

Day 6. Don't be afraid of fat

One of the most common food myths is that consuming dietary fat will make you fat. In fact, eating any macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, or fat) in excess will lead to weight gain. The fact is that fats add flavor, and if removed, sweeteners and artificial flavors take its place. And trust me, these are not very good substances.

When choosing between fat and sweetener or artificial flavor, I will always go for fat.

Day 7. Love yourself

Do it on day seven! Changing your bad habits is not an easy job. And if you followed the guidelines above, then you did a pretty good job. Well, take the seventh day to think about yourself. Do what makes you happy. Be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished. You are already halfway to success!

Day 8. Reduce your sugar intake

We have already worked to eliminate sugary drinks from our diet. But now it is time to reduce the amount of sugar in other areas as well. I know this can be a big problem for some. But I'm not asking you to abruptly give up sugar forever. Decrease it a little day by day. There are hundreds of articles and studies that talk about the dangers of consuming too much sugar. In fact, anything in large quantities is bad.

Day 9. Add More Vegetables and Fruits to Your Diet

You already know that eating lots of fruits and vegetables improves your well-being. So what's stopping you? Make a list of fruits and vegetables you like and how you plan to add them to your diet.

A couple of tips: Keep ready-to-eat fruits where they can catch your eye.

Add fruits and vegetables to every meal you eat. Buy small amounts of seasonal fruits so you can always have them. Enjoy all the benefits you'll see and feel when you start incorporating these foods into your diet.

Day 10. Eat protein in the morning

I believe a healthy protein breakfast helps control appetite and helps clear thinking.

A high-protein breakfast reduces the amount of ghrelin (a hormone that stimulates hunger) in the blood more effectively than a high-carb breakfast does.

Institute of Food Technology

Try protein (eggs, Greek yogurt, fruits, meat) and see how you feel. Then compare the sensation to what you get after a regular breakfast. I think you will be surprised to see the difference. Now, when making your breakfast, make sure that it contains less sugar and processed grains.

Day 11. Change your toothbrush

Dentists recommend changing your toothbrushes every three to four months. Your toothbrush is home to microorganisms from your mouth. Change your toothbrush regularly. This will reduce the number of bacteria you are exposed to harmful effects. Make sure you always brush your teeth well.

Day 12. Get more exercise

Now is the time to make your wonderful body move more. No excuses or indulgences! You know you have to do it. Just make this commitment and do it. Some ideas for adding exercise to your routine:

  • Always take the stairs.
  • Are you in the bathroom? Do 20 squats, if your room size allows it.
  • Use your lunch break to take a walk.
  • Park your car away from work and enjoy walking.
  • Before sitting on the couch in the evening, do 25 squats, 25 push-ups, 25 crunches (abs).
  • Dance while cooking, cleaning, working, whatever! Yes, maybe it looks a little strange from the outside, but who cares? It's fun!

Day 13. Prepare food

Cooking food is one of the best ways to stay on your diet. After all, when you have delicious dishes in your fridge, you choose them, not fast food or convenience foods. Set aside one day a week (day off?) And decide what you will eat during the week. Purchase groceries and make all kinds of preparations for quick cooking on the right day.

Day 14. Be happy

Happy people are not happy because everything is always brilliant and wonderful in their lives. Happy people choose to be happy, to look for positivity in any situation. They made happiness a priority in their lives. Therefore, choose at least one thing a day that you will be happy with and for which you will be grateful.

Congratulations on the changes in your life!
