Table of contents:

Time management in simple words. 5 steps to getting more done in the same time
Time management in simple words. 5 steps to getting more done in the same time

Sometimes the same thing can be done in 10 minutes. And sometimes in an hour. Why is that? Let's talk about the quality of time.

Time management in simple words. 5 steps to getting more done in the same time
Time management in simple words. 5 steps to getting more done in the same time

Let's talk about the quality of our time.

What is the quality of time?

It depends on how focused you are on the task. Are you distracted? Do your thoughts drift away every 2 minutes?

Let's think about how you can increase the quality of time.

Step 1. Turn off all distractions

It is difficult not to react when something clicks under the ear.

Therefore, we disable:

  • call sound;
  • SMS sound;
  • any notification from social networks;
  • automatic mail check.

The most difficult thing is for people to disconnect the call. But you just try it. Just one day. I'm sure you will love it.

Step 2. Get yourself an Inbox or just a notepad

You sit, work. And then - BOOM! - a thought comes to you. You remembered about a friend's upcoming birthday or noticed that the ink in the printer is running out. There is a temptation to step aside. Start thinking about this new problem. It is not right.

Just forgetting or trying to remember won't work either. The case will disturb you again and again, pop up in your memory and distract you.

How will be correct?

You should have a system ready to reliably record such cases. For those of you who use GTD's time management system, you will know that there is an Inbox for this kind of thing.

I have a voice recorder in the role of the Inbox folder. During the day, I put all such thoughts and small matters there. To make it out in the morning. Instead of a voice recorder, you can use anything you like. For example, a simple notepad.

So, some kind of side thought came up? We quickly write it down and continue working.

By the way, then you can disassemble all these minor distractions in one working block. One by one. This is the grouping that I wrote about here.

Step 3. Create a special work environment

Now let's make it so that such random thoughts come to us less often during work.

After all, look … Appetizing pie on the window, browser windows with the latest news or funny videos - all this takes our thoughts aside and reduces concentration.

The advice is clear: remove all unnecessary. Make it a habit to close unnecessary windows. Clear your office desk from debris.

Ideally, your workplace should be just for work. So that the working "reflex" is automatically turned on at your desk. To do this, try not to eat at your desk or watch entertaining videos, etc.

I immediately remember Jana Frank, who in her book "The Muse and the Beast" described that she went further - she had as many as three desktops. For each type of work - its own. There is no need to reconfigure or remove these tables after work. Comfortable!

Step 4. Cover your ears

Sometimes distractions are beyond our control. We cannot eliminate them. For example, a neighbor started a lengthy renovation. Or a wedding is dancing on the floor above. It is foolish to be angry: this is life. In such cases, I have two options.

The first is to put on headphones with loud music without words. For example, you can use GetWorkDoneMusic, a music-to-work service. Or the Сoffitivity service with the sounds of a cafe. Instead of music, clattering of cups and spoons, background conversations of people … Try it, it's funny))

The second way - I don't like making unnecessary noise - is with earplugs.


Such silicone earplugs (I do not recommend foam rubber) protect well from noise. They cost about 350 rubles for two pairs. You can buy them at the pharmacy.

Step 5. Read the book "Stream" by Mihai Chikszentmihalyi

Mihai Csikszentmihalyi is the founder of positive psychology. It was he who came up with the flow.

What does it mean to be in the stream?

Be fully involved in activities for their own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Each action, movement, thought follows from the previous one, as if playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you use your skills to the limit. Mihai Csikszentmihalyi

To get the most out of your time, you need to be in the stream more often. Although the concept of "flow" is applicable to leisure, hobbies, relationships with loved ones …

I have already reviewed his book Stream. The Psychology of Optimal Experience”. The book is serious, almost a scientific work. It is not easy to read. But this book will help you build "flow" work. One of my favorite books on personal effectiveness. Recommend!


To do a lot, you don't have to work hard from morning to night. You can work only a few hours, but these hours must be in flux. Strive to increase the quality of your time!
