The best workouts of 2015 according to Lifehacker
The best workouts of 2015 according to Lifehacker

It so happened that at the end of each year it is customary for us to sum up the results of the past, analyze them and make plans for the coming year. Lifehacker also has such a tradition, and in this publication we select the most useful articles on the topic of sports and health. So, welcome - the best sports training of 2015 according to Lifehacker!

The best workouts of 2015 according to Lifehacker
The best workouts of 2015 according to Lifehacker

We tried to make sure that our selection covers a variety of areas and takes into account a wide range of problems, to combat which people start to play sports and buy a subscription to a sports club, start running, do yoga or work on themselves at home as much as they can. We hope that these articles have really helped you and inspired you to maintain a healthy lifestyle - or at least made you think about it. Next year you will find even more interesting and useful information!

Yoga for the abdomen: 5 easy poses to help restore slimness

the best exercises - yoga for the abdomen
the best exercises - yoga for the abdomen

Fat on the belly often appears even in thin people, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. Not only is the bulging tummy immediately visible and it brings a lot of mental suffering. It also affects overall health. Belly fat can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart problems, and cancer, so getting rid of it is very important.

Yoga is a very effective way to cope with this problem, any person who has done at least a little bit of it will attest. Of course, exercise alone will not solve everything: yoga classes will help to visually reduce the belly, but 70% of success depends on proper nutrition.

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VIDEO: 100 plank options

best exercises - plank
best exercises - plank

Why the plank? Because this exercise, which has received an incredible amount of attention and has been covered in as many articles lately, is truly one of the most effective core strengthening exercises. In the dynamic options, and in many others, the whole body is involved, so the training turns out to be really great, especially if you perform all 100 options in a row.;)

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10 exercises that burn calories better than running

best exercises
best exercises

How to burn more calories? Run, run and nothing but run, right? Not really. While running by itself does make our stove work well, there are more effective alternative methods.

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100 squats for beautiful legs and a toned butt

best butt exercises
best butt exercises

Squats are a great way to keep your lower body toned. This natural exercise for the body does not require additional equipment and at the same time involves many muscle groups at once. But doing 100 classic squats is quite boring and can only be done by few. Another thing is 10 to 10! This set of exercises will take less than 10 minutes, and the results will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks.

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VIDEO: Yoga for sound and restful sleep

best exercises - yoga for sleep
best exercises - yoga for sleep

If recently you have had problems with sleep, you are already tired of invoking sleep with the help of sleeping pills or antidepressants, and the constant counting of cloven-hoofed animals dashingly jumping over the fence is already dizzy, then this video selection is just for you. Choose a workout to your liking, relax your body and brain, tired for the day, and you will fall asleep in a sweet dream.

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20 Super Effective Fitball Exercises for Your Home Workout

best fitball exercises
best fitball exercises

How to get in great shape with the help of a fitball? These 20 ball exercises will help you achieve a beautiful figure. A fitball (as this ball is called) is a great tool for keeping your body fit. You do the exercises in a wobbly position, which forces you to also maintain balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises with the use of balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is because the ball helps to reduce stress on the muscles and spine compared to normal exercise.

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Bodyweight exercises that many underestimate

best bodyweight exercises
best bodyweight exercises

Bodyweight exercises are often underestimated by people who do most of their workouts in gyms using free weights. We have selected the five best movements recommended by fitness instructors and rhythmic gymnastics coaches to improve strength, flexibility and ligament strengthening.

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We swing the press while standing

best exercises - press
best exercises - press

In order to build great abs, it is not enough to exercise regularly. Only a variety of workouts will help to realize the dream of a flat stomach. So meet this 10-minute set of abdominal exercises while standing.

These standing abs exercises work more muscles, improve balance and posture, and you don't need additional equipment to complete them: you can even do without a mat. Any object is suitable as a weighting agent: even a bottle of water, even a small melon.

The complex consists of 10 exercises for 45 seconds. It is perfect for those for whom the classic twisting from a prone position causes discomfort in the cervical spine.

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10 minute workout for a healthy heart and a flat stomach

the best exercises for the press and heart
the best exercises for the press and heart

Fitness is not only fashionable and beautiful. Improving health should remain the main goal of exercise. This set of cardio exercises will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and as a bonus, you will get a flat stomach.

We offer you cardio workouts that perfectly work your abs. It's quite intense: five exercises, three sets of 30 seconds each. In the intervals between sets (5-10 seconds), do not stop, keep moving. As a result, in 10 minutes you will burn about 100 kilocalories.

This set is suitable for warm-up before strength training, and in combination with other cardio workouts. You can also start the day with it by doing it as a morning exercise. It is best to do these exercises 3-5 times a week, alternating with strength training.

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Skinny workout: how to exercise and what to eat to gain weight

Best Exercise - Workout for Skinny
Best Exercise - Workout for Skinny

Do you tend to be thin? Have you already resigned yourself to this and are not even trying to do something, because "destined to be like this"? Try to look at the situation from a different angle. Nobody forces you to be like Arnold, but you are quite capable of gaining an acceptable amount of high-quality mass. You just need to do everything right.

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