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Cycling - frenzied cardio without injuries and special conditions
Cycling - frenzied cardio without injuries and special conditions

Cycling is great. Of course, if you have the conditions for a comfortable and safe cycling workout. If not, cycling is a cool alternative. What kind of sport it is and why you should definitely attend such a workout - we will tell you in this article.

Cycling - frenzied cardio without injuries and special conditions
Cycling - frenzied cardio without injuries and special conditions

My preparations are in full swing. In addition to running and swimming, I also have to master cycling. It is part of a comprehensive workout and perfectly complements the rest of the cardio workout.

Cycling is a group exercise on a stationary bike under the guidance of a trainer. He tells you how fast and how hard to pedal, and in between commands he cheers and entertains you. And all this happens with funny music.

Urban Tri: Cycling
Urban Tri: Cycling

I happily switched to an exercise bike from a regular bike. And not because it's easier. But because it is much safer.

City versus cyclists

Before going to the holistic workout and spinning the pedals on the stationary bike, I wanted to prepare for the final event on a regular bike. At the very first training session, I ran into a problem. Where to go? The traffic rules say that cyclists must ride on bike paths (there were none near my house) or on public roads against traffic. You can ride on the sidewalks if you are accompanying a child under 12 years old or as a child yourself.

First, I tried driving on the side of the road against the traffic. And only now I noticed how motorists like to park there. Peeking out from behind the cars is a real torment.

When I got tired of this constant stress, I decided to try driving on the sidewalks. I don't look 12 years old, but many adults ride like that. Here, constant curbs are annoying, because of which you lose speed.

In general, cycling was not the most pleasant pastime for me. And before leaving on the road, I mentally made a will.

And then I went cycling as part of the Urban Tri complex workout, and now I can't be lured into a regular bike. If I had the opportunity to ride on a good cycle path without diving between pedestrians and without fear of cars, I would choose a bicycle. But since reality is at odds with desire, I choose safe cycling.

Urban Tri: Cycle Workout
Urban Tri: Cycle Workout

What strains, develops and improves

By spinning the pedals on the simulator, you develop the muscles of the buttocks and quadriceps, pump the hamstrings, the muscles of the inner thighs, the calf muscles - all legs in general. After one intense workout, you will feel it for yourself. The next day, every leg muscle will ache. But I think you are not afraid of this feeling?

Urban Tri: Which Muscles Work When Cycling
Urban Tri: Which Muscles Work When Cycling

In parallel, the muscles of the press and the lumbar region are pumped. The muscles of the arms remain unloaded, because you do not have to maintain balance with them, as when riding a regular bicycle. But, if you go to a complex workout, the muscles of the arms can be worked out while swimming.

After cycling, the legs and buttocks look more toned, the muscles are toned. And since it's a cardio exercise, cycling helps you burn fat. The result is beautiful, toned legs and buttocks without excess fat.

Of course, to achieve this, it will take more than one or two sessions. As in any sport, for real progress you need to practice longer, increase the load and enjoy the process so as not to give up halfway. And in group lessons it is much easier to do this.

Exercise, heart rate and load

If in cycling training you pedal only at a high pace, you will not last long, and at a low pace, you will not pump anything. It is best to use interval training when you alternate periods of calm riding with high-intensity pedaling.

Cycling training
Cycling training

The workout should be approximately 30 minutes long, optimally 40–45 minutes. During this time, the fat burning process will have time to start, the muscles will receive the necessary load, and a warm-up and a hitch at a low heart rate will help to enter the rhythm and prepare the cardiovascular system.

If cycling is part of your activity, 15-20 minutes may be enough. But in a holistic workout, the trainer will tell you everything, and I will describe a rough plan for independent interval training on a stationary bike.

The warm-up includes 10 minutes of calm ride at the pulse rate up to 130-140 beats per minute. Almost all modern exercise bikes have a heart rate monitor, so just hold on to the metal handles and watch your heart rate.

After the warm-up, interval training begins. I tried this option:

  • 1 minute on the pulse up to 130;
  • 1 minute on the pulse up to 140;
  • 1 minute on the pulse up to 150;
  • 1 minute on the pulse up to 160;
  • 1 minute on the pulse above 160.

As for the load, increase it as your heart rate rises. For example, for the first two minutes (on the pulse up to 130 and 140) I pedaled at the first level of load. At a pulse rate of up to 150 beats per minute, I moved to the second level. For the last two minutes I was spinning at the third level of load. At first, less intensively - about 100 rpm, and then more intensively - from 110 rpm and more. At the last minute, the pulse rose to 170-175 beats per minute.

Do five reps in total. Due to the low load at the beginning of the workout, you will be able to rest, and due to the high intensity at the end, you will be able to work your muscles properly.

Here's another option for an intense workout:

  • 10 minutes warm-up at a low heart rate;
  • 30 seconds of pedaling on the pulse up to 140;
  • 30 seconds of the most intense load on the heart rate from 160;
  • 10 repetitions of this exercise;
  • 10 minutes of cool down on a low heart rate.

The only problem I had with the interval training was that after a high intensity, the pulse recovered within a minute. So if you lack fitness, it is better to use the first interval training pattern, because in 30 seconds you will not have time to restore your heart rate.

Everything you wanted to know about cycling

Is cycling just a stationary bike?

In fact, cycling is a separate discipline, a direction of fitness. It differs from normal exercise on a stationary bike by its high intensity. In cycle training, you will not see people pedaling lazily.

The coach sets the pace. In our Urban Tri workout, we consistently pedaled at a pace of 110 rpm or higher, except for transitions to maximum load.

Cycling on Urban Tri
Cycling on Urban Tri

The maximum load alternates with a high pedaling speed, periodically you raise your hands, change their position on the steering wheel, get up from the seat and lower yourself back onto it.

In cycling, exercises and loads are constantly changing. Due to this, such cardio workouts are considered an excellent option for burning fat: at high intensity, you can burn up to 400 kcal in one workout.

What part of the steering wheel should you hold on to?

There are several body positions: standing or sitting, with or without a forward bend. Depending on this, the position of the hands on the simulator also changes.

During warm-up and cool-down (calm riding at a pulse rate of up to 130 beats per minute), as a rule, the hands are in the center of the steering wheel. In a standing position, the body rises above the simulator, hands move to the upper part of the steering wheel. In this position, sprints are often performed - pedaling at maximum speed. And the third position - hands on the bottom of the steering wheel, located in the center. At the same time, the body leans forward. Depending on the position, the load on different muscles changes.

In cycling sessions, the trainer will tell you when to change your load and body position. If you train on your own, you shouldn't pay too much attention to the position of the hands in the first trainings. Hold on in a way that is comfortable for you, you can periodically change your grip.

Do I need to warm up before exercising?

Before getting on the exercise bike, do a joint warm-up, stretch a little. If you are cycling after running, you do not need to warm up: the body is already warmed up enough.

Make sure to stretch after your workout, especially if you feel your muscles are clogged. Unaccustomed to training, my thighs were so hammered that the next day I could not run fast: I just physically could not accelerate, my muscles cramped.

Stretch to prevent this from happening. In the Urban Tri workout, we stretched for about 5 minutes before heading to the pool. On independent workouts, I stretch even longer, sometimes flexing my muscles with roller exercises in the gym. After training, it's such bliss!

Urban Tri: Cool Down After Workout
Urban Tri: Cool Down After Workout

Who is this sport for?

Cycling is suitable for everyone who does not have the ability or desire to ride a bicycle (there is no bicycle, storage space or bike paths nearby), but at the same time there is a desire to lose weight, pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks, improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. And of course, for those who like to train in a company and pedal to invigorating music.

Come to class and discover one of the most effective types of cardio workout!
