Workout of the Day: 5-Minute Home Cardio
Workout of the Day: 5-Minute Home Cardio

A great way to start your day actively.

Workout of the Day: 5-Minute Home Cardio
Workout of the Day: 5-Minute Home Cardio

Any cardio is a contribution to your own health. And with the help of this workout, you will not only make a gift to your heart and the whole body as a whole, but also strengthen your muscles, pump endurance, a sense of balance and coordination.

Moreover, you can choose the training time yourself: do a light warm-up for 5 minutes or conduct a full 20-minute cardio session.

Perform the first movement for 30 seconds, then rest the rest of the minute and move on to the next. Do all five exercises this way:

  1. Running with a high hip lift and a one-legged bend with touching the floor.
  2. Change of legs in a deep lunge with the elbow touching the floor.
  3. Four times and a squat.
  4. Glute bridge and abs fold.
  5. Changing legs in a jump lunge and a side lunge.

When you finish one lap, you can stop there or rest for the prescribed 30 seconds and start over. Make 1-4 circles, focusing on your well-being and free time.
