Workout of the Day: Home Cardio for a Great Mood
Workout of the Day: Home Cardio for a Great Mood

Forget about your problems for 20 minutes, and then enjoy the burst of energy and a positive attitude.

Workout of the Day: Home Cardio for a Great Mood
Workout of the Day: Home Cardio for a Great Mood

This intense workout will properly load the whole body: it will strengthen the muscles and pump the work of the heart and lungs. Moreover, if you are bored and sad, you will probably feel better after class.

Anything that bothered you will stop doing it already on the second lap. After the fourth, you will forget about all your problems, and after a few minutes of rest, you will feel a surge of vivacity.

For the best effect, drown with all your might. But only if health allows.

The workout consists of seven exercises:

  1. Change of legs with bringing the knee to the elbow.
  2. Feet Together - Feet Apart in the shoulder bar.
  3. Changing legs in a side lunge.
  4. Bear penetration.
  5. Squat with the knee to the elbow.
  6. "Bicycle" with blows.
  7. Split with lunges.

Do each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds and move on to the next. When you finish the last exercise, start over. Make four circles.
