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Habit Development Guide from Leo Babauta
Habit Development Guide from Leo Babauta

A well-known blogger tells how to start changing your life for the better and not abandon this idea.

Habit Development Guide from Leo Babauta
Habit Development Guide from Leo Babauta

1. Choose a positive habit

Instead of giving up a bad habit, start by acquiring a good one. For example, if you want to stop eating junk food, try increasing the amount of vegetables in your diet.

Other good habits to start with are meditation, reading, journaling, exercise, flossing.

2. Form habits one at a time

We all have a list of 10 points that we would like to change in ourselves. And do it right away. But the more habits you pick up at a time, the less chance of success. Even one of them requires a lot of attention and energy. Therefore, sequencing one habit at a time is the best strategy.

3. Start small

People underestimate the importance of small successes. But together with the previous point, this is perhaps the most important thing that you can do to achieve your goal.

Meditate for two minutes a day for the first week and, if you have mastered this, gradually increase the time by another 2-3 minutes. Start running for 5-10 minutes a day, not half an hour. Eat a small serving of vegetables at a time, do not try to change your entire diet at once.

Start with small steps and increase them little by little - so your mind will gradually adjust to the change.

4. Set reminders

What most people get off track from the beginning is they forget to maintain a new habit. Don't let yourself do this.

Set reminders not only on your smartphone and calendar, but also in habit-related places. For example, in the kitchen that you are going to eat more vegetables, on the bathroom mirror - about brushing your teeth regularly.

5. Train yourself to be responsible

Otherwise, how can you stay true to the habit when you feel like giving up? Find a community of interest or a team to report to on your progress.

6. Love what you do

You are unlikely to be able to maintain a habit for a long time if you really hate doing it. Even so, try to find some pleasure in it.

For example, if you are running, think of it not as torture, but as a way to enjoy the fresh air, feel the movement of your body, feel alive.

Make every moment aware, focus on gratitude and joy in completing the task. And then soon you will begin to look forward to the moment to plunge into this state.

7. Be disciplined

The more systematic you are in nurturing a habit, the better. Do not postpone a useful activity and work out your system: instead of indulging your favorite "I'll do it later" - just start acting as soon as you think about it.

8. Regularly evaluate your performance

Review your actions at least once a week and adjust the plan as needed. For example, if you forget to practice your new habit, create new reminders.

If you cannot discipline yourself, agree with someone you know that you will pay him a certain amount for each missed day.

Weekly analysis allows you to get better and better at handling your new habit. And even if you fail, continue anyway.
