Workout of the Day: Home Complex for a Perfect Body
Workout of the Day: Home Complex for a Perfect Body

These exercises will build strength, endurance, flexibility, and a sense of balance.

Workout of the Day: Home Complex for a Perfect Body
Workout of the Day: Home Complex for a Perfect Body

You can do this set at the end of a strength workout or as a standalone short cardio at home. Exercises are selected in such a way that you do not have to pre-warm up and rest for a long time in the process. Just turn on the timer and start your workout.

Do the following exercises:

  1. Jumping with alternating legs and arms behind the head- 30 seconds. Jump on your toes and keep your abs tense.
  2. Walking Bearish Plank- 30 seconds. Tighten the abs, at the top point, make sure that the hips are above the knees.
  3. The transition from the support lying to the squat with the legs closed - 30 seconds. In a squat, do two foot information, taking turns bringing your legs to each other.
  4. Straightening the legs and arms, standing on one leg, - 10 times on each side. Bend your supporting leg slightly, try to keep the body parallel to the floor. If your balance is not enough, hold one hand on the back of the chair.
  5. Bringing the knee to the elbow and raising the arms and legs in the side bar - 10 times per side. If necessary, do not lean on your foot, but on your knee.
  6. Prisoner Jumping Out of Cross-Leg Squat - 12 reps. If you can't make noise, do your regular explosive toe squats.
  7. Raising the pelvis with stretching the arm up - 14 reps. Tighten your buttocks strongly and try to raise your pelvis as high as possible.

There is no specific rest time in this workout, so you can start the next exercise when you feel ready. But try not to stand for more than 20-40 seconds, in order to pump more heart and lungs in addition to muscles.

When finished, rest as needed and repeat from the beginning. Complete 2-3 laps.
