IShows for iPhone lets you follow your favorite TV shows
IShows for iPhone lets you follow your favorite TV shows

If you often watch TV shows and own an iOS device, then iShows is what you need. The application reminds of the release of new episodes and shows all available information about the series.

iShows for iPhone lets you follow your favorite TV shows
iShows for iPhone lets you follow your favorite TV shows

Yes, I know there are MyShows. And I know this app is free. But it has not been updated for the second year already, and I think we can say that it was scored. Even though MyShows still works great, I would go looking for alternatives.

There are not so many of them. There is Teevee, which I have been using for about a year now. The app notifies in advance when new episodes are released, and there is no need to mark every episode as viewed - in MyShows this annoyed me. iShows is another app for those who love TV shows.

The essence of iShows is still the same. You subscribe to the series you watch, and the application notifies you of new episodes and shows you recommendations. Each series is accompanied by information about the number of seasons, episodes, the release of the next episode and the rating.


IShows is downright monetized. The app itself is free, but you won't be able to follow more than three TV shows: this opportunity opens only when you purchase a pro account for $ 3.99. Another dollar can buy one of three themes that relate to famous TV series: Kingslayer for "Game of Thrones", Terminus for "The Walking Dead" and Albuquerque for the series "Breaking Bad".

The search is slow, but I managed to add all the series that I watch.


iShows is a good alternative to similar applications, but I can't switch to it from Teevee. I think MyShows users will say the same. But those who watch TV shows and like to try something new, perhaps, will find in the application what they lacked in the alternatives.
